Chapter 8: Donkey; Divorce

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"Order!" The judge yelled whilst smacking the gavel, repeatedly. Everyone stood up. Donkey hated Fiona for what she did. He wanted to attack her, exterminate her, kill her. But he stood his ground. Shrek had hired the best lawyer in all, far, far away. Barry Bee Benson, He was infamous for his victory in the honey trials. Barry flew in and sat on a small chair on the table. "Black and yellow" Shrek said "Hello" Barry replied nonchalantly. "I've got a statement prepared that'll help you win." Barry whispered while pulling a tiny document out of his bag and handing it to Shrek.

Shrek took a look at it, squinting his eyes. Eventually when he finished he handed it back to Barry. "It's good" He said calmly. Donkey analysed the paper as Barry held it in his small palms. He sincerely hoped that the plan would work. "Fiona" The judge cast his eyes toward her. "You've been accused of cheating with your husband, is this true?" She stayed silent for a few seconds before her lawyer whispered in her ear. "I don't know where these rumours come from!" She exclaimed. "Absolute bull crap." "This bitch" Shrek muttered under his breath. "Don't worry" Barry patted Shrek's shoulder "I'll take it from here." "Shrek" The judge turned his head toward the Ogre "Do you have an Alibi?" "We do, your honour." Barry called. "These are not fake claims, Fiona is lying." "And..." He stopped for a few seconds before an idea popped into his head. "...I have evidence." Murmurs rose as Shrek whispered "What are you doing?" Donkey knew Barry had dug a hole for himself along with Shrek. "Just wait." Barry flew off before returning in a minute or two. "Your Honour, I've got your witness right here!" Barry Yelled "In fact, he was the one doing the deed!" The crowd gasped to find the ghost of Lord Farquaad In front of them.

"I confess, I did sleep with Fiona" Farquaad started as more gasps and whispers were heard. "But I promise, I did not condone any of it." And Fiona and her lawyer made an expression of pure terror. "Well" The judge finally spoke up. "This divorcement is final, along with charges for lying in court!" He banged his gavel one last time as Fiona's lawyer turned to comfort her while she was crying. Donkey, Shrek and Barry were cheering. Fiona was charged $67 000 along with full custody over the children and was kicked out of the swamp forcing her to become homeless. She is now in debt, forcing her to work community service as a bathroom janitor for a hospital that helps people with intense Diarrhoea. "Thank you so much Barry!" Shrek And Donkey exclaimed. "But, how were you able to get Farquaad to fess up?" Donkey asked curiously. "Cryptocurrency" Barry exhaled. "There's special crypto for the deceased. GhoulCoin." "Anyways, I must be heading off now. I need to fetch some tulips for Vanessa." "Sounds good." Donkey smiled. "Ciao fellas!" Barry waved. "Do you know what this means, Donkey?" Shrek looked excited. "What?" "Now that I don't have a wife..." He got closer. "...We can be together!" Donkey immediately started jumping with glee. Now both Shrek and Donkey can start their

new lives together.

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