'I'll get even with that kid if it's the last thing that I do!' he vowed. His panic making him miss the fact that it had been his own godson that had given him away.

Naruto himself couldn't help but pale a little and stop laughing as the rest of the women finally left the hot springs fully dressed and apparently armed to the teeth. Among them was Karui, Samui and Anko wearing expressions that promised a very painful death. Naruto merely pointed in the direction that Jiraiya had headed after answering their questions on whether or not he knew who had been spying on them. 'I can't help but pity the man now...on second thought no I don't. He deserves it for spying on mom and dad on their wedding night. Besides, Hinata could have been in there!'

Naruto didn't see hide nor hair of Jiraiya for hours afterwards and it was only as he had decided to head back to Sasuke's for the evening that he caught a glimpse of the sannin. Jogging in his direction Naruto smirked as he realized that the man was pre-occupied with ogling yet another girl. As he got closer to the two he felt his old prankster side resurfacing and he transformed into a nondescript, easily forgettable kid and headed into sight.

"Oji-san, there you are! I have been looking all over for you ever since you left me at the park! Obaa-san's not gonna be happy to find out that you have been flirting again, either. I'm hungry and I wanna go home and I can't do that because you have the house keys!" Naruto whined. Jiraiya paled as the girl he had been flirting with got a disgusted look and then slapped him across the face storming away. Growling, Jiraiya turned to face the menace only to be met with the icy stare of his godson.

"We need to talk about some things, godfather" Naruto hissed out in a low tone making whatever color Jiraiya still have leave the man's face. Grabbing ahold of the man's arm before he could flee or protest, Naruto used the Shunshin to teleport them away from the area and onto an empty training ground. By the time that Jiraiya recovered from the unexpected trip, Naruto had already placed security seals around the area.

"Now then, shall we start?"

"Now hold on just a minute, kid.."

"You damn well know my name Jiraiya, after all mom and dad practically asked your permission to name me after the main character in your only decent book." Naruto countered making Jiraiya narrow his eyes.

"Who told you?"

"Does it matter? After all, it's not like you were going to. As a matter of fact no one ever tells me anything. Well, except for him. I have had one honest person in my life when it comes to my past and the circumstances surrounding the attack twelve years ago. Just one in a whole village of people."


"The Kyuubi, who else is going to tell the "fox brat" anything?" Naruto countered angrily. The old sannin flinched at the venomous tone that was directed at both him and the village.

"Jesus christ, the nine-tails! Why are you listening to that beast?!"

"Why shouldn't I? As I said and when you were apparently not listening because he is the only one that has ever been honest with me!" Naruto snapped. Turning and starting to pace Jiraiya let out a loud string of curses as he tried to come up with a solution.

"If you even suggest or try to tighten the seal any, so help me I will cut you out of my life completely. Now I have to ask you something. Are you or are you not going to at the very least accept your responsibility as my godfather and escort me to my chosen training field to train for the next round of the exams or not?"

"Where do you want to go?"

"I want to go back to Uzu. Unfortunately, the Sandaime won't let me go unless you are there because he still thinks that not only could I be a traitor, I can't control the nine-tails or defend myself. Since I want to work on more destructive techniques and controlling Kyuubi's chakra I don't want to do it here in Konoha if I can help it so I don't cause a panic. However, what I work on will not change regardless of where I am. The only question is whether or not you are going to let the other country's shinobi freak out when they sense the bijuu chakra."

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