"Harry Potter World in Orlando."

"What?" Ally lifted her arm to look at Lauren. "It's ninety bucks to get into the park, Lauren."

"Nope. We have annual passes to Orlando. I'm using mine and Camila is using hers."

"She doesn't have an annual pass."

"She's does. She told me so yesterday. Said her dad got her it thinking that going to a theme park would cheer her up but she hasn't even used it yet, she hasn't been in Orlando since she was five. I actually need you to go ask her dad for it."


"Because if I ask her to get it she'll know where we're going. Please Ally." Lauren pouted.

"Jesus, fine." Ally huffed, throwing the covers off herself and leaving the room, Lauren following closely behind her.

"Mr Cabello, can Lauren have Camila's Universal pass?"

"Why?" The man asked, turning away from his paper and looking at the girls.

"Because Lauren's taking her on a date to Harry Potter world."

"A date, huh?" The man arched his eyebrows as he pulled out his wallet to get the pass.

"Yes, sir. If that's ok?"

"You're Ally's best friend and I know she wouldn't allow this if there was a chance you would hurt my daughter." He said, handing Lauren the pass and a hundred dollars.

"You don't have to give me this, I have money."

"I know but things are expensive there and I know Camila won't let you buy her all the things she'll want."

"Ok, thank you, sir."

"Just look after my daughter."

Lauren smiled and nodded. "I will." She agreed, following a sleepy Ally back up to her room.

"You're lucky I love you, you piece of shit." Ally huffed, falling down onto her bed.

"I know, thank you." Lauren lightly punched Ally's arm before heading out the room.

She lifted her hand to knock on Camila's door when it opened and Camila jumped in surprises. "You don't have knock all the time."

"I don't like just walking into people's rooms, it's their private place. You ready?"

Camila nodded, closing her bedroom door behind her.

"I have pancakes in the car for breakfast." Lauren smiled, leading the way down to the car.

"Can you tell me where we're going yet?"

"Nope, it's a surprise." Lauren grinned, opening the door for Camila and dipped her head to kiss her before the smaller girl could get into the car.

Camila smiled when Lauren pulled back, tip toeing to peck her on the lips before getting into the car.

"The pancakes are in the glove compartment." Lauren said as she climbed into the car.

Camila nodded, reaching in to grab the pancakes. "When will we be back?"

"Probably about nine. I'm not sure. You can tell your dad you're staying at mine so we don't have to rush home."

"Are you sure?"

"Of course, numbnuts." Lauren smiled.

Camila nodded, tucking into the pancakes.

"Ok, twenty questions, go." Lauren announced as Camila chewed on the pancakes.

"Is it Lana Del Rey?"

Beautiful Disaster (Camren)Where stories live. Discover now