✧✷✧ Week One | Day Three: Vanessa ✧✷✧

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Vanessa left for her room, waving to her friends as she away from the rest of the group.

Okay. Time to brainstorm ideas for a few hours, I guess.


Yes! I've got it!

Vanessa clapped her hands together quietly, smiling giddily. She had finally decided on what her plan would be.

I'm going to take them shopping~ It's the perfect way to get them to interact outside of a battle setting. And besides, they know eachother so well by now that if I just separate them for a minute, I can ask them both individually what the other likes since they're just bound to have their likes and dislikes memorised, even though the other may not know they do.

Ugh, it's going to be so cute, I just know it!

Vanessa hopped out of bed, quickly exiting her bedroom, and started heading for Magna and Luck's room. Then she stopped in the hallway.


It's 4AM.

She blinked rapidly for a moment, before turning and walking back into her room.

Guess I've gotta wait. A few more hours without sleep can't hurt me that much. Besides, I can use this extra free time to perfect my plan.

I should also double-check how to work that communication device, and then just leave it recording throughout the entire day.

What a wonderfully eventful rest of my night I have ahead of me..


"Good morning~!" Vanessa cheered as she threw open the door to Luck and Magna's shared room. Her communication device was very subtly poking out of her to her vest pocket, already recording in advance. "Get your sleepy asses out of bed you two, 'cause we're going shopping!!"

"We're.. what..? Shopping? Why us though....? And why this early in the morning?" Luck muttered, rubbing his eyes tiredly.

"It's too damn early for this shit, Vanessa..!" Magna groaned, bringing up his arm to shield his eyes from the light streaming in through the open doorway.

"It's never too early for shopping, so let's get going! The sooner we get there, the less people we have to deal with so hurry up!" She urged, grabbing both their arms and dragging them out of bed.

"HEY, WATCH IT!" Magna shouted, struggling to get away from the witch's death grip. Luck just yawned softly and allowed it to happen.

Vanessa dragged them to the middle of the room, before letting go of them to run over to their dressers. She quickly started throwing out outfits for them.

"Get changed, you two. I'm not allowing you to go to the market while shirtless. So get dressed, and put these on. I'm going to be washing your usual outfits because seriously how long has it been since you guys last took these things off??"

After a few minutes of Magna's complaining and Luck's tired silence, she was finally satasfied with how they looked and swiftly dragged them out the door.

"Finral isn't awake so we'll just have to fly the normal way, instead of using his spatial magic. It won't be as fast, but it's quicker than running." Vanessa explained. Then she turned to the exhausted blonde and kindly said, "Luck, if you're too tired to use your electric powers, you can ride on my broom with me."

The Bet [] Luck × Magna || HIATUSTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon