✧✷✧ Week One | Day One: Finral ✧✷✧

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Finral sighed heavily as he walked out of his room. He had been awake all night thinking.

I'm the one who started this whole bet thing, so I guess I should be the first one to do something. But the question is what.

As he walked through the hideout, he racked his brain for ideas.

Alright... Luck and Magna are both so feisty and violent, meaning they probably wouldn't like things that are sweet or wholesome, so I'll just have to think of something else.

I could always just ask Captain Yami to send them on a mission to one of the nearby dungeons that we haven't explored yet.

...If I do that, I should also add some extra traps, to make things more interesting for them.

He couldn't help but grin at this thought.

Besides, more perilous situations means more chances for them to save eachother. It's the perfect plan!

Finral stopped his walk, opening up a portal to a nearby dungeon, stepping through it. Once he was on the other side, he quickly got to work.

After an hour or so of working, he stepped through a new portal that led him right to the hideout, wiping some sweat off his face.

"That should do the trick," he muttered, "now to go find the captain."


"D'ya know why Captain Yami wants us on his mission?" Magna asked Luck, glancing around the dungeon.

"Dunno really." Luck replied cheerfully, grinning brightly as always. "Said something about this dungeon being unexplored and that we needed to check it out. I really don't care, though. Dungeons usually mean fighting, and fighting always means fun!"

"... Alright, I guess." He said with a shrug, before giving Luck a punch to the shoulder. "Well, 's not so bad since I get to do this with you. No one else would be brave enough to do this for no reason."

"Same here! This'll be fun, so long as you don't get all scared on me like you did last time~"


"If you're so sure you weren't, then why'd I have to stay up 'til 3AM with you because you refused to go to sleep afterwards?"

Magna didn't answer, and chose to just stare in defeat at the ground.

"Thought so~" Luck laughed, proud about his small victory. "Anyways, let's move a bit faster. I want to get to fighting as soon as possible!"

"Sure thing, ya' battle-crazy dork." Magna huffed, through there was a playful smile on his face.

Unbeknownst to them, Finral watched them through a small portal that would follow their location until he told it to stop moving.

Yes! It's all going well so far. Let's just hope it keeps getting better. If not, I at least have this portal open now so I can get them out quickly if it's needed.


The pair progressed through the dungeon without many enemies yet, much to Magna's relief and Luck's disappointment.

"Well now, maybe this dungeon won't be so bad after all!--"


"What was th--" Magna started to ask, before his words got cut off as a trap activated. A formerly invisible magic rope tightened around his leg, quickly pulling him off the ground.

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