~I'm Real~

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POV Gally

-1 Year and 14 Days in the Scorch-

I watch her go in a furry, she's more like me than I ever realized and I feel an ache seeing her go. "What happened to her?" I ask not understanding what happened to the (Y/n) of the glade, Thomas scoffs as he stands "WICKED, once you were gone. She hasn't dared forget who was responsible for her life falling apart," he tells me. "Go talk to her," Fry tells me and I look at him "And say what?" I ask harsher than I intend and he shrugs "anything, she's spent the last year on a mission of revenge for you," he tells me and I look in the distance where she stands arm crossed looking out at people with a scowl.

I don't say anything as I walk away towards her, I soak in every new detail of her as I walk. Her hair was longer and fell loose around her shoulders. She'd gained muscle over the year probably from running for her life everywhere she goes. Her right eye was now a milky white color like Lawrence's, but her's was not caused by the flare. The scar from her eyebrow and down her cheek was evidence of that. 

she still looked beautiful though, I can remember running my fingers through her (H/c) hair and having her whisper memories to me. I remember holding her close as we danced at bonfires and on top of the watch tower. When I finally make my way next to her I look out at whatever she's looking at, but it's just people. They're scrambling through the crowded streets trying to survive, but you'd think they were killing kittens with the way she glared. I clear my throat nervous "so, what's up with you and Thomas?" I ask noting the way they spoke to one another.

She scoffs "he's my brother," she states plainly disgusted by what I'd implied and I feel relief knowing nothing was going on. I feel a heavy silence loom on us "I know this is..." I trail off searching for the right words "shocking, confusing, or how about life-altering? I thought you were dead, Gally. I mourned you, hell I mourn you still, and you're right in front of me," she says unable to look at me.

POV (Y/n)

I spent so many nights wondering if he too would think I was a monster and now he's here and I'm here. My eyes finally meet his "Gally, I love you," I tell him saying what I hadn't said in so desperately long "I don't know how you've changed, and I've done things you'd be ashamed of... I just had to surv-" I'm cut off by him grabbing me and kissing me like I was his life support. "I don't care what you've done. I don't care who you've killed. All I care about is you're alive and I get a second chance to not shuck this up," he tells me pulling back.

He cups my face in his hands and I fight the urge to fall apart in front of all the people around us. They may not be staring but I couldn't let them see me cry, but my damn right eye lets a stream of tears fall. Gally doesn't mind and swipes them away "I love you too (Y/n), and I spent every day missing you and regretting not following you and Thomas," Gally tells me and I hug him, letting my head fall onto his muscled chest. He was right here, I almost pinched myself not believing this. 

"I'm real, and this time, I'm gonna get you to the shucking ocean," he tells me and I let out a laugh.


I know this was a short chapter, but I didn't want to feel like I was rushing them to the next scene. I love having them reunited because they're literally made for each other.

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