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POV (Y/n)

-Day 2 In the Scorch-

When I find myself in the mess hall for dinner the next night I have to fight the glare on my face as Janson reads his list of names. Thomas is just as bad at hiding his emotions glaring straight at Janson, "I wanna know what's through that door," he states quietly so only our group can hear. Newt who is the most hesitant of our group looks at Thomas with a stern expression "Now, we've been over this. You said they were covered up so you don't know what you saw," he tells us and I bite the inside of my cheek.

"We're not idiots Newt, we know what we saw," I tell him my eyes not leaving the faces of those getting sentenced to the same fate I pushed Lily to only last night. I was all she had. "They were bodies. Aris said they bring in a new batch every night," Thomas explains "who the hell is Aris," Minho asks as we gesture towards the quiet boy who plays in his food. "Well I'm sold," Minho answers sarcastically and I jab my elbow in his ribs from my place next to him. 

I turn back to Aris and see his sleeve fall just a bit, and see his mark is gray like mine and I feel sympathy for the boy. The guards open the door for the selected kids and I can see the wheels turning in Thomas's head. "Until we know anything for certain, we should just keep our heads down and try not to draw any attention to ourselves, all right?" Newt asks and Thomas obviously not listening slams his hands on the table and jumps up heading straight for the door. I waste no time following him, knowing he has a plan and I want to be a part of it.

Thomas and I attempt to put our heads down and walk out but we caught quickly, expected. "Woah. Hang on. You two weren't called," the guard from yesterday tells us and I furrow my brow at him as my eyes shift to Thomas "I know, we're just gonna be a second," he tells them as he tries to push forward. It's pointless and we're stopped again "This is a restricted area, kid," the second guard instructs and Thomas starts to back up with a sigh.

I try not to furrow my brows, but I have no idea what Tommy's plan is here.  "I just want to see my soulmate. Can you let me through?" he asks referring to Teresa and I want to scoff, they don't care. "Get your ass back in that chair," the first guard says pressing a finger into Thomas's chest causing Thomas to bite the inside of his cheek. He finally starts to turn to walk away and I'm about to ask what the hell was the point when he turns back trying to push through the guards. They easily push Thomas like a ragdoll and the remaining gladers are quick to move behind us, they're ready for whatever Thomas drags us into.

"What's your problem, man?" Thomas asks shouting as Newt and Minho grab his shoulders pulling him away from the guard and Janson hurries to the scene immediately. "Why won't you let me see her?" Thomas asks and the guard points at Thomas and shouts "control your friend!" Janson pushes his way in between us all and I cut a glare at him "What's happening here?" he asks, Thomas doesn't back down, and neither do I. "Thomas? I thought we could trust each other. You know we're all on the same team here," Janson says grabbing Thomas's shoulder. 

"Are we?" Thomas asks and Janson squints slightly "escort them back to their bunks," he instructs, and guards herd us away. When the lock clicks closed to our rooms the boys turn on Thomas immediately "What the hell was that about?" Minho asked, "you didn't really think they were just gonna let you through?" Newt continues everyone tense and confused by the scene that had been created. "Nah, of course, I didn't," Thomas says revealing a badge he'd taken off the guard. 

"We're gonna find out what's on the other side of that door," he tells them "Newt listen they're hiding something. These people they're not who they say they are," Thomas urges and Newt furrows his brows "No Thomas, you don't know that. The only thing that we do know is that they helped rescue us from WICKED. They gave us new clothes, they gave us food, they gave us a proper bed. Some of us haven't had that in a long time," Newt tells him frustrated "yeah, but..." Thomas starts "some of us a lot longer than others," Newt continues and I step in front of Thomas and glare at Newt.

I wanted to shout at him but was pulled out of my thoughts by the vent rattling and Aris popping out. "Hey, Thomas, (Y/n)," Aris greets "you got it, didn't you?" he asks eyes landing on the badge in Thomas's hand. "Yeah, let's go," I say as he goes back into the vents and I follow, Thomas right behind me. Thomas calms the other boy's fear but I waste no time on it they'd have to trust us, and the fact they don't already makes me frustrated. We're quick as we three crawls through the vents to the same spot as before. Thomas and Aris jump down first and then I follow trying to minimize the noise.

After securing the hall Thomas swipes the badge, and we enter to a room filled with nightmares. Tanks lined up in front of us our filled with baby grievers and it makes my skin crawl, but not more than what lies behind the next door. Bodies, too many to count, not dead and not alive. They're hooked to tubes and wires and hang limp and an image of Tony dangling from a tree flies to my mind. We all waste no time searching for familiar faces Thomas moves to a girl with brown hair covering her face in a panic but when it's pushed back she's unfamiliar to us. "Rachel," Aris mutters "she was taken the first night, I told her it was gonna be okay," he says silently and I sigh before my eyes land on the one person I was scared to find here. 

Lily hangs behind Rachel and her small stature makes her seem higher off the ground "those bastards," I curse and I know now it's WICKED as I finally piece together the pieces. I want to take her down, but Thomas grabs me hiding me behind a pillar as the doors open and Janson files in. I watch wide-eyed as he approaches a screen that soon illuminates with her face, Ava Paige's face. With every word that files out of their mouths, I want to scream.

The new arrivals, us, we need to get out. As soon as we're able we run to the others in a hurry fear coursing through us pushing us faster.

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