Chapter 24: At the table

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“Oh...yeah, yeah…”

It didn’t matter, so long as I did it. And I did. Right about then, I started getting glimpses of the past. That elementary school, the Christmas ordeal, there were things I was starting to recall, and some things that just stayed in the memory box. I think I knew another kid there, but that wasn’t important right now. 

I glanced at her again, almost bordering on eagle eyes. I thought there were two of her, one from some flashbacks and her on the right. I tried to put the two in one, basically just comparing them.

And oh no, she was squirming and avoiding my glare. For obvious reasons of course. For now, I wanted to put that on hold, with something to calm the rocking boat.

“So, she’s about, what, sixteen now?”

Definitely not creepy. Definitely not creepy. 

“She’s already in her third year.”

Kawamama smiled as she placed her hands together. 

“She’s grown a lot, yes?”


Really? She’s that old? How old was she back then? Before I blurted something out, some instinctual retrospection got in the way.

Yes, yes. Never mention a woman's age.

Dodged a bullet. I just shut my mouth and went back to eating. Only occasionally did I give her glances. 

“Taishi, pass me the salt.”

“Nee-san, not tonight. And please, those Konbini Bentos shouldn't be a daily thing.”

“Can’t really cook all the time, now can I?”






It felt like everyone was stiffing up. Really heavy air. I could even feel the weight. What the hell, I was collateral damage. 

“Fine, maybe I’ll try cooking again. If I have time, then sure. Happy?”





Seriously, I was feeling out of the loop with each passing minute. My sister was in on it too. It made me feel even more foreign. Everyone in here was tight with each other. And it showed. 

But, not a problem, I primarily came here to keep my end of the bargain, and also for the food. So whatever happened and would happen was none of my business, so long as Komachi wasn’t involved. Then I just continued shoving my mouth with calories and calories. Goddamn, the chicken was really good.

“So, Hikigaya-kun…”

Kawamama’s call made me cock my head to her.

“What do you do for a living? I heard you were overseas for a while.”

Oh, that again? The answer was already set out. I’d long decided what my answer was. My pretense.

“Well…right now…a freelance editor.”

 “Ara~ Something like Taishi’s?”

She closed her eyes and placed her fingers together. Having a blast, eh? But, I had to answer.

“In a way, yes.”

“It must be a tiring job, isn’t it?”

Tiring…I initially didn’t respond. Since I held a blank deadpan stare, she started looking at me. When I saw that, I snapped back, subtly hiding it with an awkward: 

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