Chapter-15 ❀ Sneaky Move ❀

Start from the beginning

Despite their continuous efforts, the forest proved challenging to comb thoroughly in a single day. When rain started to pour, Mr. Raina insisted they persist, unwilling to halt the search. Abhirudra was not just his boss; he was like a younger brother, and regardless of Abhirudra's stern demeanor, Mr. Raina held a deep affection for him.

As more bodyguards joined the search, they collectively scoured the area. However, with a portion still unchecked and darkness setting in as the sun began its descent, Ron approached Mr. Raina with concern.

"Senior, I think we should stop now. The forest is deep and dangerous, making it challenging to search in the dark, and it's not safe," he said, wiping sweat from his forehead as he caught his breath.

Mr. Raina, his face marked with both sweat and concern, acknowledged Ron's observation. "Yeah, you're right."

Ron breathed a sigh of relief, but before he could inform the others, Mr. Raina issued new instructions. "We're not going home today. We'll stay near our cars, on the cliff. Boss's car is parked there, maybe he will come there himself. Ask some men to go back and fetch all the necessary items needed for the stay, including food."

Although Ron found the plan puzzling, he followed his senior's orders. After informing his colleagues, they began preparing for an overnight stay at the location.

Meanwhile, Mr. Oberoi, anxious and unable to locate Aisha, repeatedly checked his phone, hoping for a call or message from Aisha or his men. He felt a sense of dread, knowing he had only one daughter and fearing for her safety. Despite their efforts, the team couldn't find Aisha. Vikram, concerned about Meera's reaction, lied to her, stating that Aisha wouldn't be coming home as she informed him she was going somewhere with her friends. Although Meera harbored doubts, she had no choice but to trust her husband's words.

Amid the worry surrounding Aisha and Abhirudra, the two protagonists were oblivious, engrossed in collecting dry material for a fire. Aisha stood near her collection, contemplating how they could ignite the fire without a matchstick or any other ignition source. Meanwhile, Abhirudra returned with a bundle of dry sticks and leaves, arranging them alongside Aisha's finds. As he knelt down, he pulled out a black lighter from his pocket, catching Aisha's curious gaze.

Perplexed, she couldn't help but wonder, "He smokes?"

Sitting down beside him, she questioned, "You have a lighter?"

Abhirudra paused, giving her a blank look as he raised the lighter in his left hand, silently asking, "Are you blind?" before resuming his task. Aisha, carefully observing his actions, inquired, "Do you smoke?"

Abhirudra continued his task without stopping or looking at Aisha, responding with a simple "Hmm."

Aisha, feeling a bit disheartened, gathered her thoughts and expressed, "It's not good for health."

Abhirudra paused, glancing at her. "Do you care about me?" he questioned, his gaze intense.

Under the weight of his stare, Aisha shifted her eyes towards the fire, replying, "It's not like that. Dad said it's not good for health and can cause death."

Abhirudra's gaze softened as he looked at the girl he cared for deeply. In his usual deep voice, he explained, "I don't smoke much, only when I'm stressed or emotional."

As he turned his gaze away, Aisha fidgeted with her fingers, debating whether to say more but ultimately deciding to remain silent. She felt it wasn't her place to advise him given their distant relationship. As the flickering flame of the lighter ignited the dry material, a small spark accompanied by smoke emerged. The material burned, creating a warm glow and emitting black smoke. Abhirudra stood up, rubbing his hands to remove the dirt, and they both settled beside a nearby tree, leaning against its trunk.

𝐀𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐚: 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐁𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐭'𝐬 𝐃𝐨𝐥𝐥Where stories live. Discover now