CHAPTER 10: Final Battle. (Lucifer Vs. The Doom Slayer)

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Death... if words could summarize the encompassing aura in the Helltaker Household, it was Death. The smell of sulfur and blood filled the air and vents of the house, thanks to the massacre that was occurring at the hands of the one known as.... The Doom Slayer.
Inside the Helltaker household:

Slayer opened fire on the group of the now fully recovered girls, causing Lucifer to put up a barrier to defend from the incoming pellets. From behind the barrier Judgement and Justice came out ready to go on the offensive, Judgement summoned her chains and sent them towards Slayer who quickly attempted to roll away. He managed to dodge most of them as they struck the ground making holes in the process, however one managed to catch his leg which gave Justice an opening to rush in, throwing a solid right punch at Slayer who at the last second blocked with his arms.

In retaliation he blasted her away with the Shotgun, this time she was blocking so it minimized the damage to her body. However her arms were nearly blown off from it as Cerberus rushed in, this time two of the girls went for his legs to restrain him as the third lunged at Slayer. When she crashed into him she tried using her weight and the support of the other two to push him over, only for him to remain unfazed.

Using the Arm-Blade he impaled the Cerberus girl and swung her around, increasing her fresh wound and knocking the other two off of him. While taking a moment to reload his gun, a belt suddenly wrapped around the barrel before ripping the gun away from Slayer. The culprit Pandemonica then pulled it towards her feet, stomping on it to break it.
Pandemonica: Clearly you weren't taught that if you can't play nice with your toys, then they'll be taken away!!
She was about to say something else but was cut off with Slayer closing the distance between them. He clapped the sides of her head, causing blood to erupt from her ears. She looked down grabbing at her head while screaming curses at Slayer before seeing his fist coming up at her, uppercutting her. After she was knocked out Slayer took the initiative and rushed at Modeus, Azazel, and Malina. Modeus ducked under a swing from Slayer and went to kick his knees, only for him to bring his knee up and hit her in the face. Turning around with his arm out he clocked Azazel and threw her into Malina, knocking them both onto their backs. While they were trying to get up he rushed again and stomped them both into the ground, making a noticeable crater underneath them.

Justice and Judgement tried attacking again, once more Judgement used her chains but Slayer began to dodge them left and right. Closing the distance he grabbed Judgement by her face and snapped her head upwards, her neck making an audible snapping sound before pushing her head down into her chest cavity. Tossing her to the side he caught a punch from Justice without even turning to face her, thanks to her arm injuries her movement was hindered quite a bit. Slashing her abdomen with his arm blade, he raised his left leg and kicked her away towards Lucifer while Slayer was beating down on Zdrada.. again.

While that was happening, Justice slowly looked up to Lucifer.
Justice: D-Dammit..! This guy's a total tank!..

Lucifer: True, but not as powerful as he should be..
Justice turned to Lucifer, confused at her statement.
Justice: What do you mean..?

Lucifer: Under normal circumstances he would've been able to turn our bodies into a cloud of red mist with a swipe of his hand.. yet here he is having to put actual effort, something has weakened him. Either that or he's taking his time with us out of personal spite.. frankly I'm not surprised if it's both.

Bad Choice Big Brother. (DOOM x Helltaker)Where stories live. Discover now