Chapter Fifty Five

Start from the beginning

After my shower and while I laid in bed, all that played back in my head was Enzo's touch on my skin, his eyes on my body. I kept re-living Enzo over and over again. I wished he wasn't back. I wished he had stayed away because now that he was back, I felt like I was losing control over my self. I really thought that I had moved on.

I wasn't so sure anymore.


"Lorenzo, you're doing it wrong," I corrected my six year old student on the piano. "You're focussing more on going fast than getting the notes right. Hit the right chords. Over time, with practice, you'll get faster,"

My student with the huge black eyes looked up at me in confusion. I asked him to move over and placed my fingers over the piano keys.

"Like this," I transitioned between the four main piano chords; 'C', 'G', 'Am' and 'F'. Then I tried to show him how they were used in individual pieces. "Always remember your chords. They're the foundation,"

I leaned over and patted his head. He tried and I kept showing him. Then he asked me to play something for him. I thought for a moment then inhaled and started to play.

My fingers paved the way, gliding over keys as the memory of Enzo's piece came to mind for whatever reason. I tried to conjure up another piece but nothing else dominated my mind besides Enzo's. Before I could stop myself, I was halfway through it. My eyes shut themselves as I came to the climax of the piece, a stray tear slipping onto my cheek and then I stopped.

Lorenzo hugged me instantly and it broke me from my trance. When I broke from my trance, I realised that Lorenzo wasn't the only one watching me. I took a loftly breath.

"I want to play like you when I grow up!" Lorenzo said against me and I smiled then lean down to kiss his forehead as he released me from his embrace. "You're so good!"

"Thank you! You'll be better than me one day if you keep practicing," I told him as I fluffed his hair back into place.

"Promise?" He looked up at me enthusiastically with his big dark eyes, lifting out his pinky finger. I took it.

"Promise," I responded as I twisted my own pinky into his and let him go. "That's all for today. You can go find your mom now. Practice your chords if you can. I'll check next time,"

Lorenzo picked up his backpack and ran out of the room. I felt Enzo's gaze still on me but I was reluctant to turn and acknowledge him.

"You still remember the piece," Enzo's finally spoke and hearing his voice caused my bottom lip to tremble unprovoked.

"I never forgot anything, Enzo," I responded, finally finding the courage to look away from the piano and towards my mate. He stood there, in his large white shirt and dark pants and stared at me. "Why are you here?"

"I told you that I needed to talk to you and you ran away, like you always do," Enzo's words were direct and intended to throw a shot at me.

"And I told you that I don't want to talk to you," I stood my ground and stood up. I dusted invisible dust off of my skirt, collected the musical notes and started to walk away.

"For the love of the moon Raven, listen to me at least. This chasing you around thing is not fun," Enzo's words came out with familiar power and annoyance laced into every syllable of them. "It won't kill you to hear me out,"

I stood there for a moment, realising that Enzo came to this pack to speak to me about whatever and he wasn't going to leave until he said whatever he had to. He was stubborn like that.

"Speak. I'm listening," I urged him and he walked a bit closer to me.

"Look at me then," He requested and I turned around. I nervously checked my bun to see if it was still in place. It was. "I'm just going to cut to the chase here,"

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