My Frostbite Ocs Ethan and Scarbunny

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Ethan was just a normal trainer that wanted to defeat the champion in the Galar just for fun with his Pokemon team but after he managed to defeat Leon and became the new champion, he was soon got swarmed by a group of fans such as fangirls, papara...

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Ethan was just a normal trainer that wanted to defeat the champion in the Galar just for fun with his Pokemon team but after he managed to defeat Leon and became the new champion, he was soon got swarmed by a group of fans such as fangirls, paparazzi, pokemon trainers that wanted to battle him or want his autograph.

He was so stressed out to the point that he could not take it anymore that he decided to move over to the Johto region and live the rest of his days on Mount Silver with all of his Pokemon that brought along with him from his old home in the Galar region.

His Pokemon soon understood the pain and suffering that he had to endure during his time back at his hometown and only wanted to defeat the Galar champion for fun instead of beating for the fame and glory to stroke his own ego or fill up his bank account.

Then due to the freezing cold temperature in Mount Silver, Ethan soon  met his own demise with hypothermia along with his Pokemon, but they soon came back from the dead as icy cold zombies and placed a curse upon the mountain to warn any trainer to either stay away from the mountain or suffer the same fate as Ethan did.

Which is why both Blake and Red decided to go up to Mount Silver while ignoring all warning that Ethan's pokemon placed upon every area of the mountain to locate Ethan and his Pokemon since he was reported missing and the police have no clue to his whereabouts even since he won the Pokemon championship in Galar.

But as they both continue to climb up the mountain, their pokemon including themselves soon met their icy cold fate by hypothermia and had to use Charizard and Typhlosion to keep him warm.

When they finally made it to the top of the mountain, they saw Ethan standing in the distance looking completely normal along with all of his beloved Pokemon all frozen and dead with their bodies decaying from the freezing cold weather.

But as Blake and Red use their only two Pokemon that are still alive to defeat Ethan, he then sends out a very dangerous and terrifying looking rabbit Pokemon named Scarbunny that was recently hatched from an egg from Ethan's female Cinderace and easily defeated both Charizard and Typhlosion with no effort and Blake and Red met their end by Ethan's Zombie Pokemon army because they did not heed their warning about staying away from the mountain.

Talk about giving you the cold shoulder, am I right?

Name: Ethan Cunningham

Age: 15

Pokemon Team: Cinderace, Lucario, Umbreon, Tyranitar, Garchomp, Zacian, Scarbunny (Scorbunny)

Likes: His Pokemon team, going on adventures for fun

Dislikes: Being constantly hounded by a group of fans after he defeated the champion in Galar, going on the adventure for the fame and glory that he clearly doesn't want

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