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"How is Kemankes?" I asked Nur while I was walking nervously in my chambers waiting for the news. He was shot while I was in my mother in Vakuf. I sent her to see how is he doing and I would never forgive myself if something bad happened to him because of me. I knew arrow was pointed to my mother but at that moment we switched the places and it would have shoot me, and if there was no Kemankes maybe I would be the one fighting for life today.

"Haci Agha didn't allow me to see what is happening. Doctors are still with him and no one can know anything yet," Nur said and I couldn't help myself but to blame myself for this. If something would happen to Kemankes I would never forgive myself and I didn't want him to be hurt. I just wanted for him to recover because I gained so much emotions towards this man and I would rather wish them to shoot me than to shot him.

"What will I do if he doesn't recover?" I asked myself but on loud as I couldn't hide my emotions anymore. For the first time in my life I've felt emotions for someone and just now I can't lose that person.

"He will recover, Sultana. I am sure everything will be fine," Nur said as she wanted to make me feel better, but nothing would feel better until I would see him standing strong on his legs again.

"Valide Sultan, I saw Nur Hatun going to check on Kemankes Pasha, but I didn't allow her to. Obviously Naime Sultan has sent her," Haci Agha informed Kosem who was very nervous about Kemankes. She walked around her chambers, and in that moment both mother and daughter were worried over the same man they knew he was shoot because he was going to save them.

"Why does Naime care so much about Kemankes? I don't get it," Kosem hissed at Haci as it was the easiest for her to let all of her anger on him or some of her maids.

"Sultanim, she would be shot if Kemankes Pasha wasn't there. Obviously she is very thankful for him for saving her-," Haci started to say but Kosem stopped him. He hasn't seen her so nervous in a very long time and he was concerned why would Valide Sultan be so nervous about Kemankes.

"Naime started involving too much into my business, I don't like what is she doing and she shouldn't pretend to be so nice towards him when she obviously has some plans towards him," Kosem said and Haci was more and more surprised with each her word.

"Sultanim, I don't want to be rude, but if anyone would hear you speaking like this they would think you are in love with Pasha," Haci barely could say of shame but he cared for Valide Sultan and didn't want to let her in trouble, because if Murad would find out about this he would banish her somewhere so far away and would never forget her.

"Enough, Haci! Leave my chambers and don't come here again until you stop thinking about those nonsenses! I am Valide Sultan and he is Grand Vizier and I care for people who serve me and are loyal to me," Kosem yelled on him and escorted him from her chambers staying all alone by herself.

"Naime, I came here when I heard what happened. I hope Kemankes will be fine," Gevherhan said as she entered my chambers and gave me warm hug. She was the only one who would understand my pain and she was the sister I loved the most.

"I am so afraid Gevherhan. What if he doesn't recover from this?" I asked her as my eyes were covered in tears and I didn't want to show my emotions to no one, but to her because in front of her I could be my true myself.

"He will be fine, I know it. Doctors left his chambers but they haven't said anything, but I saw my mother escorted Haci and was yelling on him. I don't know what happened to her," Gevherhan said and this was everything so suspicious to me, but in moments like those when only man I ever cared about was in this condition, I couldn't occupy my mind with other things.

"Sultanim! Kemankes Pasha is awake!" Amber said as he entered my chambers not knowing also Gevherhan is inside, but it didn't matter since she knew all of this. I stood up with excitement and immediately went to the chambers in ambulance where he was, not caring what would happen after this and if anyone would see me, because I cared for him.

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