Peaceful Isolation Interrupted

Start from the beginning

"Arthur?" Alfred asked from the doorway, "Are you snooping?"

Arthur nearly jumped out of his skin at being caught, "Uh-hkm. No. I do not think I was. Do you have something you are trying to hide?"

Alfred gave his fake smile again, but the vein in his forehead told how he truly felt. This damn limey. What is a snotty European doing coming all the way here? I thought I made it clear that I wanted nothing to do with them?

He sat the tray with two glasses of lemonade and some cornbread down, and sat down in his desk chair. He looked to Arthur who plopped down in the chair, tired. Alfred cleared his desk and looked to Arthur to do some explaining, "There must be some reason why you would travel here?" His eyes narrowed but his affable smile was in place.

Was Alfred always this intimidating? Arthur thought but shook his head clear of the notion. "I am sure you have heard about the war in Europe-"

"Don't care." he said flippantly while reaching for a glass of lemonade.

Arthur let out a squeak, "Don't care?! Wh-"

Alfred held up a hand to silence him while he took a sip of his drink. He sat it down with a refreshed sigh, "You are about to ask why, and the answer is the same as it always has been. I want nothing to do with Europe." He finished with a congenial smile.

Arthur felt his temper rise, but squashed it, "Why not!?"

Alfred sighed as if dealing with a stubborn child but raised up a finger as if nothing, "Don't interrupt your enemy when they are making a mistake. Sun Tzu"

"Enemy?! Why are we your enemy? Don't you-"

Alfred kept his smile but his teeth looked a bit sharper than usual, "Anyone who threatens me or mine is my enemy. The chaos y'all bring would destabilize the lives of my people and my life. I am quite content here."

Arthur swallowed his pride, "I know you feel that because of me, but what about Francis. He is dealing with much more than I am."

"Francis always was an idiot." Alfred said coolly, not really paying attention.

Arthur blinked, that was a new attitude. Of course he respected it, but weren't France and him close since after Francis's revolution. "I thought you two were close?"

Alfred shrugged his shoulders, "Sure, but not enough to go to war for him. I mean things have stayed a bit tense ever since his revolution. I think he blames me for it or for not helping, but how am I supposed to take responsibility for his inadequate application of enlightenment ideas. Besides, things were hectic here too. Oh well." Alfred returned to munching on his snack and reading his book.

"Don't ignore me!" Arthur shook his head, he didn't remember him being such a bookworm. He looked at the title of the book, The Prince. Arthur then looked around the room. The books were about various topics, but most of them were about governance, philosophy, diplomacy, war, and sciences. Arthur had thought Alfred wasn't that bright because never wanted to learn, but all he had tried to teach him was English literature.

Arthur thought, if he was going to get his son back to Europe and convince him to take over the family business then he would need to appeal to Alfred's interests. He took his lemonade. He cooled down a bit and felt some of his energy return.

"Vitamin C and Citrus are good for heat." Alfred answered, flipping to the next page.

"Fine Alfred. I didn't want to pull this card, but I would feel terrible if I didn't show you." Arthur slid a copy of the Zimmerman telegram to Alfred.

Alfred looked at it dis-interested but picked up and read. His face never gave away any emotion. He laid it down on the desk, "So what?"

Arthur truly lost his temper, "SO WHAT! ARE YOU SURE YOU CAN READ! AN INVASION. I-N-V-A-S-I-O-N!"

Alfred set the book down and leveled Arthur with a look, "I will handle my affairs, and you handle yours."

Arthur huffed before taking his hat and leaving in a whirl of ungentlemanly curses. He left in a haste as Alfred picked up the telegram and went to the phone that hung in the foyer. Each ring sounded as a death toll till his call was received, "Hello Mr. Jones. What is your order?"


Arthur woke in the manner that had been turned into the command center of the war. In the countryside in the north where German bombing couldn't get to. For now. He looked at the morning rays of light being choked out by the fog on the moor. A servant came in bringing a tray.

"A telegram and your tea. Sir."

Arthur sipped his tea and opened the letter;

Americans have joined war -STOP- Expect arrival -STOP- 05.05.1917 -STOP-

Arthur jumped from his seat sending the fine china crashing to the floor. He gave a laugh. The git had finally joined the war. He couldn't wait to see the look on everyone else's faces. His boy was coming home. 


I like the idea of Alfred being into political philosophy and the enlightenment. I mean the revolution was applied enlightenment ideas so...

Also that Arthur runs his empire like a family business and since his power is starting to dwindle, he needs someone else's power to use. Haven't quite worked out that idea yet though. 

Should I do a part with Arthur fussing over Alfred and being cocky at a meeting because his big strong oldest son is a rising power? 

And Just a few more words, so this fic has 1776 words. USA USA USA USA

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