Chapter 17 - Change

Start from the beginning

It had only been a little under six years since they had entered a treaty with the humans. They had a give-and-take relationship. It wasn't all 'give' on their end; the humans had given them plenty of materials and ideas to work with. Artwork was quickly taking off in A1-308. Architecture, surprisingly, was expanding rather rapidly. 

Funnily enough, there were even some Vokkrus attempting to live in the wastelands of A1-308. Personally, Rulshkka thought them all fools. There was no living there. It was all they could do to beat back the impending erosion of civilization at the edges of the wastes. But, some had gotten the idea from the humans, and there was no stopping that. 

"Vokkra?" Trosk asked beside him. Rulshkka blinked. 

"What?" he asked, tearing his eyes away from the group of humans. They were chattering about the complexities of space travel and what it could mean for them in the future. The ambassadors were excited to have a chance to take regular vacations to their home planet. Currently, they were only scheduled to go back and forth between planets when it was time for the treaty meetings on Earth. 

Though, with them mastering space travel, perhaps the humans could have their meeting here, instead. Rulshkka tried to imagine the hundreds of country leaders in the capitol, watching the Peace and Calm statues like Kohgrash, and smothered a chuckle.  

"Ghhvresh is asking for you," Trosk gestured at the windowed security office. Ghhvresh waved. Rulshkka barely suppressed a sigh. He just wanted to stand with Kohgrash and await the first humans to land on his planet in their own spaceship. Was that too much to ask? 

Regardless, he couldn't help the grumpy growl in the back of his throat. Kohgrash immediately turned around, expression alarmed. 

"Thanks," Rulshkka told an amused Trosk, giving Kohgrash an awkward thumbs-up. The human's gaze lingered on him for a second before he returned to watching the sky. 

Ghhvresh was concerned about the planet's fuel supply. Rulshkka immediately felt a headache coming on. 

"I got you all the fuel last year," he said, voice just barely scraping against a whine. 

"Well, we've run out. That's why it's a yearly chore," Ghhvresh said snarkily. Rulshkka frowned at her tone. He was already irritated - he did not need to be disrespected, as well. 

The captain caught her mistake, bowing stiffly in apology. Rulshkka crossed his arms. 

"And this has to happen, now?" Rulshkka said, and this time, he really did whine. 

"Yes," Ghhvresh insisted. "The fuel manager," here, her voice grew angry, and she shot a look at an unassuming Vokkrus in the room - there were several, all watching with bated breath, "declined to inform me about our supply until twenty minutes ago. We need fuel to assist the human ship's entry." 

Ugh. Typical. Rulshkka promised them their fuel and left the room in a huff. He picked his way back to the pack of humans plus Trosk. 

If he was going to converse with the Spirits today to get their blasted fuel, he wasn't going to do it alone. 

The Spirits supplied a lot of their resources. Far be it from him to question why It decided to help their species, and why It did it in such a way that made them so involved. The other Spirits on other planets were not quite so involved. Though, Spirits were rather close-guarded secrets among many species. 

Not much was known about them, and they kept it that way. The Spirits were not one to speak about themselves so freely. Especially not his. 

Even if his were rather chatty. 

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