After a short moment he sighs. Which is a good sign. He caves.

"Fine. Be back home in three hours." Papa says.

I kiss his cheek and race outside. I hurry down the sidewalk towards my destination. As I round the cemetery, I can see Hayden on top of the hill. He's dressed in warmer clothes since the nights now have become chilly. He looks so relaxed standing on the hill. My feet crunch on a stick and it gets is attention. He quickly comes down the hilltop and takes everything from my hands.

"I thought you ditched me." He states.

"Sorry! I was talking to papa." I answer vaguely.

I mean I am not lying. I was talking to my papa.

He sets up with telescope like a pro. I must be a dang excellent teacher. Or he's just an excellent student.

"So what do you want to learn tonight? We have until ten o'clock before I have to be home." I simply ask him.

"Whatever you want to teach me.... Teacher." He jokes while shrugging his shoulders.

"Ummm. Throw out some ideas so I know what to talk about." I tell him.

"Tell me about constellations." He says with a shrug.


Like multiple or how they were made?

This is going to be a long night.

"A constellation is an area on the celestial sphere in which a group of visible stars forms a perceived pattern or outline, typically representing an animal, mythological subject, or inanimate object." I explain.

"Tell me more. You're a great story teller you know." He says as he lies on the blanket.

"Erm.. Okay?" I say with uncertainty.

"The recognition of constellations has changed significantly over time. Several changed in size or shape. Few became popular, only to drop into obscurity. Few were limited to a single culture or nation." I explain more about constellations.

He looks up at the sky and the moon light hits his face. He looks at peace which shocks me. So I continue with my knowledge about constellations.

"The 48 traditional Western constellations are Greek. They are given in Aratus' work Phenomena and Ptolemy's Almagest, even though their existence predates to several centuries ago. Constellations in the far southern sky were added from the 15th century until the mid-18th century when European explorers began traveling to the Southern Hemisphere." I softly say.

I watch as Hayden looks at the night sky and takes in all of what I am saying.

"Twelve ancient constellations belong to the zodiac. The origins of the zodiac remain historically uncertain. International Astronomical Union formally accepted the modern list of 88 constellations in 1922 and adopted official constellation boundaries that together cover the entire celestial sphere in 1928." I begin to explain.

Still his features are soften like he's in his own little world. It makes me think he's going to end up falling asleep over my intense rambling.

"Asterisms may be several stars within a constellation, or they may share stars with more than one constellation. Examples include the teapot within the constellation Sagittarius, or the big dipper in the constellation of Ursa Major." I add.

"The Emu in the sky is a constellation defined by dark clouds rather than by stars. The head of the emu is the Coalsack with the Southern Cross directly above. Scorpius is to the left." I state a random thing about dark clouds.

"Inca dark cloud constellations in the Mayu, also known as the Milky Way. The Southern Cross is above Yutu, while the eyes of the Llama are Alpha Centauri and Beta Centauri." I randomly Burt out.

Why am I even talking about this?

All he does is hum.


"That's all I really know about constellations. What they are and stuff I mean." I ramble out.

We sit in comfortable silent as we lay back looking at the sky.

"So that is Orion?" He asks.

"Yes? How did you find it? Or identify it?" I ask.

"The three bright stars in Orion's Belt." He states with a chuckle.

"Oh! I didn't even think you was listening to me that night." I mumble.

"When you speak, I always listen. Your voice has l my attention in the bag every time." His voice is bare audible.

I don't believe I was even supposed to hear him.

At ten o'clock we begin to pack up all my things. He lets me carry my blanket but he again, carries my telescope in the bag. When we get to the house at 10:15; he places my telescope by the door. We both stand on my porch while looking out at the tree line. Neither of us talking, just standing in complete comfortable silence. At 10:30 our front door opens and papa comes walking out. The opening of the door startles both of us. We both jump back and turn around facing my papa.

"Katie it's time to come inside, it's getting cold. Hayden it's time for you to leave." Papa says with no emotion in his voice.

"Yes sir." Hayden rushes out.

I tell Hayden goodnight and walk inside. Closing the door behind me while papa and Hayden are on our porch still. I walk to the window and peek outside.

"Sir, may I take Katie out next Saturday?" Hayden asks.

"I don't think that's a great idea Hayden." Papa says.

"But why not?" Hayden questions.

"It's who you are. I don't want Katie going down the same dark path you are already on." Papa answers bluntly.

"Sir, every sermon I listen to you preach about never cast judgment onto others. Yet, that's exactly what you are doing right now. I know I was on a dark path but Katie has pulled me out of it and back down the correct path. I just ask to take her out on Saturday night. That's all." Hayden fires right back.

This stuns papa and this definitely stuns me. He just asked my papa to take me out on Saturday. Has he lost his damn mind?

"What are your intentions with my daughter?" Papa asks softly to Hayden.

"I don't have any ill intentions sir. The fair is Saturday and I believe Katie would love to go. She talks about wanting to go this year but doesn't know if she can or not. So I want to take her to make sure she goes. She sees something in me and I don't know why. Just like I see something in her and yet again I don't know why. Your daughter has me falling for her sir. All it took was simply being partnered with her over school projects. All it took was the first time when I saw her go up the hilltop. All it took was her teaching me about what constellation was which. All it took was for her genuine smile to be on her face for the the first time in a very long time. All I'm asking for is to take her out Saturday." Hayden spills his guts out.

Papa listens to explanation and I can see his mind replacing his words over.

"What time will you be here Saturday?" Papa asks.

This shocks me.

"Six PM." Hayden says.

"What time will you bring her back?" Papa asks.

"11 PM or if she wants to come home sooner." Hayden answers with honesty shining in his eyes.

"I'll see you at six pm Saturday." Papa finally says.

I watch as Hayden thanks papa and walks off down the sidewalk.

Holy cow!

I have a date with Hayden Saturday!

Just breathe Katie.

Just breathe!

Katie's secret will be out of the bag in the follow chapter. Be prepared. You have been warned.

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