Daisy fidgeted with the hem of her shorts, anticipating what was coming. "No," she pleaded, her lip quivering. "You just got back! I don't want to be alone again!"

"You guys are always gone now, and I don't like it!" she added, feeling frustrated and scared.

Glenn knelt down and patiently explained, "We have to go, Dais. We have to get Merle back."

Daisy understood Merle's situation, but she was worried about Glenn and T-dog risking their lives to save him. Merle was rude and unpleasant, and she didn't think he was worth the danger.

"I can go with you," Daisy suggested, her foot stomping on the ground. "We used to do this together. I know how to survive out there and avoid those stupid, slow monsters."

Daisy knew the monsters were scary, but she and Glenn were able to avoid them easily when they were alone.

"Please!" She continued to plead even after Glenn shook his head no, "I'll even remember to keep my medicine on me and carry the knife Glenn gave me so you guys don't have to worry!"

T-dog cut in firmly, making it clear that there was no room for argument. "No, Daisy. The outskirts are different - the center of Atlanta is infested."

"And we need to be careful with your medicine, Daisy." Glenn added. "We only have a limited supply, and we don't know when we'll find more."

Daisy begged desperately, tugging at Glenn's pants and giving T-dog her best puppy-dog eyes. "Please let me come with you. I can help."

Glenn hugged her gently and whispered, "I'm sorry, Daisy. We'll be back before you know it, and we'll be super fast, won't we, T?"

T-dog gave her a confident thumbs-up, and Daisy reluctantly accepted their decision. "Okay," she said softly, "just please be careful."


As Daisy and Glenn sat in the front of the parked, white cube van, Daisy couldn't help but fidget in discomfort from the sticky vinyl on the passenger seat. She absentmindedly kicked her feet back and forth, trying to distract herself from the impending departure of her friends.

Meanwhile, in the back of the van, Daryl's frustration was reaching boiling point. He paced back and forth, the tension in his body practically radiating off him as T and Rick gathered supplies they would need for the trip.

"Do you guys really, really have to leave again?" Daisy asked, eyes flicking to Glenn who sat in the drivers seat.

"Yes Dais, we really, really have to."

Daisy's pouting intensified, and she kicked her feet harder, causing a thudding noise to echo throughout the van.

"I almost forgot!" Glenn exclaimed suddenly, reaching past Daisy and opening the glovebox in front of her "I got ya something. Found it in the city."

"T said he stashed it in here for me..." He trailed off.

Daisy's eyes lit up when he pulled out a little brown stuffed bear that had a vibrant red bow tied loosely on its neck.

"Since you lost your last one." He said, handing it to the girl, who excitedly accepted it.

Her last teddy bear.

She had lost it when the thrift shop was over-run, right before T saved them. She had only found it that same day, and now it lied probably rotting in the street where she dropped it in.

"Thank you! Thank you!" she exclaimed, giving Glenn a huge, beaming smile. Two of the girl's bottom teeth were missing, and the rest were crooked.

Glenn nodded, leaning back into his seat into a comftorable position. "I'm glad you like it, Dais."

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