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As soon as Clarke is within the walls of Arkadia, as though they knew, the Grounders shoot the first shot. The first arrow swooshes through the air like a sleek bird and lands in the soil right in front of Clarke's feet. She picks it up and finds that ironically, the feathers used for the arrow are those of a white pigeon.

The arrow is tucked into her coat as she hurries to find shelter under the ark, pressing against the cold metal and waiting out the shower of arrows. Followed by it at once are gunshots, a firework of bullets that leaves one of the large, broad warriors on the field fall after another.

The fence is too weak. If the Grounders attack, they will get right through. Clarke doesn't know if they have enough ammunition to stop them, enough guns, enough guards to shoot. So she runs along the side of the ark, keeping low and quiet, slipping into the established main door when she finds it.

Two guns immediately click, but the guards seem to recognize Clarke's face before they shoot and so she's let through with a helpless look, asking her silently what goes on outside.

Clarke has no time to answer. She runs down the corridor, her boots catching onto metal again after so many months of soil. She searches for someone in particular, but there's not even a sound to be heard. Only the clanking of her boots echoes from the dull walls as she runs quicker and quicker. The gunfire outside hasn't yet stopped.

She almost runs past the door. It's closed though, while most others were left open in panic or hurry, and Clarke is quite sure she can hear quiet noises from the other side.

The door is locked, though, and so Clarke knocks rapidly, her knuckles hitting the hard surface over and over again until she hears another few guns cock.

"Who's there?"

"Clarke Griffin, open the door," she nearly orders, but the door opens as soon as her name has come through and for a moment, Clarke falters in her decisive, quick movement and her feeble attempt at a plan.

Bellamy stands by the door and his tense expression is wiped off his face when he sees Clarke. His arms wrap around her, holding her close for a few seconds too long before letting her go and checking her for any signs of injury. "Oh my God. You're alive. You're alive. They said you might've died after the computers shut down to check your wristbad. Are you okay?"

"I'm fine. I'll talk to you more later, but have you seen Raven and Sinclaire? I need to talk to them."

"Everyone's here in the canteen and makeshift-medical station right now, I'll let them be searched for," Bellamy informs Clarke and after a few long minutes, Jacapo Sinclair arrives with Raven in a wheelchair in front of him.

Sentimentals don't last long and Clarke orders the two of them outside of the canteen. Bellamy follows up as a guard, offering protection to their best engineers and Clarke as an inevitable leader if no one else from the council would show up, created unwillingly, someone that would be invaluable if whatever was happening outside of Arkadia's walls would continue.

"What do you need us for? I'm not exactly in the state to fight... whatever's there outside. People say it's human mutations," Raven says and Clarke shakes her head while quickening the group's pace.

"It's just humans. More primal in their culture, some apparently survived after the bombs. I want you to electrify the fence, is there any way you can do that? It's all metal, just really weak. They'll be through in seconds if they try to breach."

"Our people opened fire?"

"No, they shot first. Arrows. They're afraid of guns, it might be our only advantage over them. I survived for months because they think I'm a witch or a goddess or whatever because I fell out of the sky- if we can keep them afraid of technology and electricity, we might get some time to work something out. Can you electrify the fence, now?"

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