Sae was unintentionally spying on Silva, Harvey and Ben at the Greenhouse. She came there to find Terra to ask her for help with the project they needed to do for Harvey, and seeing it's her dad she thought she'd be here. But instead she overheard the three men talking about Sky, so she decided to stay. 

Hiding behind the many plants she was sure they wouldn't notice hery they were too busy with Ben's wound. 

Someone's phone was ringing and she was glad she didn't bring hers, the gourpchat is never quiet and she's sure they's bust her if she had it. She figured it was Noura who called as they mention her beforehand. 

"What's the status?", Ben asked her. She noticed it was a facetime, she leaned forward trying to see the screen. "They're dead.", Noura's frightened voice sounded out and she had to physically stop herself from gasping. She looked terrible, sweat, blood and dirt covering her face. "The entire batallion. They're all dead." 

With wide eyes, Sae shook her head. She couldn't belive what she was hearing. Everyone at the school were lying to students. They said they had everything under control, that they were so close to finding the burned one that got Silva. I guess they did get to him, they just didn't win.

"I think my leg is broken. I can't fight.", she rushed out, breathing heavily. "We'll send someone for you.", Silva tried to calm her with the only statement he could. What else could he tell her. "You don't understand!", her voice was urgent now, eyes wide with fear. Silva neared to Ben and Harvey got up getting a closer look as snarls from the burned one echoed around. 

Sae unconcioussly walked out from her hiding spot, trying to get a closer look. "Get yourself to the barrier, Noura!", Silva repeated a few times, his voice now as urgent as her own. But they couldn't help her other way, they just kept watchng the scene unfold. "Noura, it's behind you! Run!", Ben yelled. Sae couldn't do anything but hopelessly watch, just like the three of them. 

She thought about running there to help her, but she didn't where in the woods was she, and she knew she wouldn't get there in time. Noura got up and started running, as fast as she could with a possibly broken leg. Sae could hear her talk but she didn't hear her, only her own heart beating so loudly. 

"I can'r runout all of them!" That's what got her attention. All four of the poeple watching the phone, leaned back in shock. As much as Sae wanted to close her eyes or look away, she couldn't she watched as the burned one attacked Noura, listening to her screams. 

Ben got up, wincing, trying to go and help her but Silva stopped him. "Wait. She said them."  Sae couldn't see the phone anymore as they got up, so she tried to get closer, now only a breath away from them. Glad they were too preoccupied looking at the phone to notice her. She could see a dozen burned ones running, just as Ben said. "how many of them are there?"

When the call ended, she quietly took a few steps back and tried to hide again. She wasn't sure, but she could swear she saw Silva look at her. He didn't say anything though and kept talkng to Ben. Promising him they'll find the burned ones. 

Sae noticed something was going on with the girls at the suite, she noticed Stella was here too. But she slipped away from them everytime so they wouldn't notice her. She was on her way to find Silva, her mind was preoccupied with the information on the burned ones. She couldn't kill them by herself, she'd need help. And what's bets than to go dierctly to Silva.

But he found her before she found him. "Silva!", she spluttered out, when she almost bumped into him while rounding the corner. "Sae. We're gonna need your help at the barrier.", he said, his demanour calm, but his tone was urgent. She nodded her head as the headed out. 

"What's going on?", she decided to play dumb, maybe she won't get in trouble for eavesdropping and still be able to help. But he gave her a side eye and sighed. "I think you know exactly what's going on. I managed to talk to Rosalind, she's not gonna call your father, but she did agree we're gonna need your help.", Sae nodded quietly and followed him outside. 

It was dark outside as they stood just behind the barrier, Rosalind trying to locate the burned ones. Sae could hear footsteps approaching behind them, she didn't need to turn around to know who it is. Silva told her a few specialists are gonna come, she could guess which ones. 

"You're late.", Silva said, to which she truned her head, her eyes instantly locking in with brown ones. He looked at her confused, as Riven was about to ask her what was she doing there a loud snarl was heard out in the woods.

"How many of them are there?", Aiha starteled her, she wasn't expecting her to be here.  She looked at her with wide eyes and Aisha only gave her a look that said we'll talk about this later. 

"Get to school! You shouldn't be so close to the barrier!", Rosalind was furious, not because Aisha wanted to help, but because she die, just like anyone standing here right now. "It's no time for extra credit.", Silva added.

"Oh, I can't be here, but she can?", Aisha pointed an accusing finger towards Sae. "And I'm not looking for extra credit, I'm here because you need to know what's happening." Sae was glad the eyes were off of her, everyone eagrly waiting what Aisha had to say. She'd lie if she'd say she wasn't intrigued aswell. 

Rosalind eyes were wide, with fear, anger, dissapointment, Sae couldn't tell. But at that moment she felt guilty for avoiding the girls, maybe if she were more around she could've talked to Bloom, tell her stories she knew about Rosalind. But it was too late for that. 

I kinda wanted this chapter to be about Riven, but then I couldn't get more ideas, so we got this, whatever this is lol

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