Chapter 37 - Abhimanyu - Birthday Boy

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I gripped Akshara's hand tightly as we walked down to the cafeteria. The moment we stepped inside, confetti poppers went off and a round of "Happy Birthday Dr. Abhimanyu Birla!" sounded around the room —from staff and patients alike.

The entire cafeteria was decorated with colourful streamers and balloons. The normally dull cafeteria had been turned so colourful overnight that I knew only my Akshara could have done that.

Akshara's grip on my hand tightened as her entire body shook with excitement. And seeing the happiness on her face made me thrilled. Because I was able to take part in her happiness —which ironically consisted of me.

"Happy birthday, Abhi!" She whispered just as the other people in the room stared at us.

Just then Dr, Rohan walked up to us, carrying a bouquet of flowers in his hand.

"Happy birthday, Sir." He informed me, placing the bouquet in my hands.

"Thank you, Dr. Rohan."

"I hope you didn't mind the little prank we pulled. We all just wanted to celebrate your birthday. I know you didn't like to celebrate your birthday but when Akshara—"

Dr. Rohan noticed the sudden change in my expression as I wrapped my arm around Akshara's waist, pulling her into me as I raised my eyebrows at Rohan, my lips a flat hard line, a drastic change from the smile I carried two seconds ago.

"Ma'am, Akshara Ma'am," Rohan stuttered in his words trying to clear up his earlier mistake. He looked at me to silently ask for permission to continue.

I nodded my head willing him to continue. Only it wasn't an act which went unnoticed by Akshara who silently tried to suppress her amusement and also punish me by elbowing me in the stomach playfully for my harsh behaviour.

"Yes, Akshara Ma'am and I planned all this. Well she did. I just helped." He explained innocently.

I looked at Akshara who looked down at her shoes, trying to hide her rosy pink cheeks.

"And thank you for helping me." She replied back, graciously, filled with immense gratitude.

"No problem, Ma'am, any time." Dr. Rohan replied back, absolutely marveled by Akshara.

And who wouldn't be?! I was too —from the moment I saw her walk into the conference room for her interview.

Just as Dr. Rohan began to leave, I held him back with the one thing that had been on my mind —"Akshit Gadhvi, Dr. Rohan?"

Dr. Rohan paused in his steps and looked up us mischievously.

"Akshit Gadhvi?" Akshara asked, confused.

"Actually Ma'am, when sir asked me the name of the rude patient, I didn't know what to say so I gave him the first name that popped into my head."

"Akshara Goenka —Akshit Gadhvi." Akshara spoke out loud, chuckling as she slammed her hand to her forehead.

"I'm sorry Ma'am." Dr. Rohan apologized profusely.

"It's okay. At least the plan worked." She replied, delighted.

"Thank you Ma'am. Sir." Dr. Rohan bowed a little before leaving us to our own accord.

Akshara turned towards me and we both ended up laughing. "Akshit Gadhvi? I'm surprised hi didn't figure it out."

"I would have had I not been mad."


"Irrationally mad that you chose to spend time with Reet instead of me on my one day off." I sulked.

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