Chapter 32 - Abhimanyu - The Decision

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I love you.

The three words I hadn't even been aware I was dying to hear.

Akshara loved me.

Despite all the foolishness i'd done, she still loved me.

I looked down at her spent face as she scrapped her nails on my chest lightly.

"What?" She asked, noticing that I had been staring at her.

I shook my head, unable to free myself from the hold she had over me.

"I was just thinking how lucky I am."

"Lucky?" She furrowed her brows.

"Yes. That out of all the people on this earth, somehow I'd managed to find you."

"Oh that you are." She responded, teasingly, making me chuckle.

"You should do that more often." She added, looking up at me with bright shiny eyes.

"Do what?"

"Laugh. I like the sound of your laughter." She said, casually, leaving me dumbfounded. No one had said that to me before.

Akshara took advantage of my surprise and up and brushed her lips against mine, pulling me in for a kiss. She then went back to laying her head against my chest as I mindlessly caressed her hair and bare back.

"By the way, how did you know what time I was going to be home?" I asked, looking down, searching her face for answers.

"I got ways. I have my sources." She flirted, leaving me confused.


She nodded her head, grazing her nose against my chest. "Nurse Kavya. I asked her to message me once you left the hospital."

"Ah. You do have very high level security clearance sources." I chuckled, making her giggle.

"Abhi...," Akshara asked me hesitantly, drawing invisible circles on my chest.

"Yes. What is it?"

"I saw you, Vikram, Dr. Anand Birla and Mr. Harsh Birla getting onto an elevator together. Vikram had a bandaid on his nose and a cut on his upper lip."

Knowing exactly what she was going to say, I mindlessly brought my hand up and held it at our eye level so my knuckles were visible.

"I also saw your bruised knuckles." She added, gently caressing the wound with her thumb.

"And?" I pressed further, caressing her back.

"What happened?"

"I punched Vikram." I confessed.


"Because I found out he was harassing you. I'm sorry, I should have known." I held my breath. "I should have realized on the day of the elevator incidence when he came into my cabin demanding I fire you. I thought it was because of the elevator incident but now i know it was because you declined his advances."

"You shouldn't have punched him."

"I shouldn't have. But I wanted to. I needed to. He deserved it after what he did to you. And also because he does have a very punchable face." I quipped.

"Abhi! I'm being serious!"

"I'm too! He does have a very punchable face!"

"The punch landed you in trouble didn't it?"

"Yes. But nothing that I can't handle."

"We. Nothing that we can't handle." She stated intently.

My heart skipped a beat and my eyes softened. "Yes. We." I reiterated, immersed in Akshara's eyes and in complete and utter awe in the goodness of her heart.

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