Chapter 12 - Akshara - Tea Anyone?

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I closed the door behind me and turned around to see that Abhimanyu had left a puddle of water in his wake. My eyes followed the trail of water which lead to Abhimanyu standing in the middle of my living room absolutely soaked from head to toe.

My eyes slowly travelled up his clothing clad body —both of which were sticking to him like second layer of skin. He placed his hand on his head and began shaking the water vigorously off his hair, splashing everything within a 2 inch radius.

I watched in absolute mesmerization as he shook his head back and forth letting his hair fall from side to side as he ran his fingers through it. Why? Why did he have to be the reincarnation of a Greek god? A very, sexy, hot, fine looking Greek god? Abhimanyu looked up at me with dancing eyes, the corner of his lips turning up in a teasing smile.

He knew the affect he had on me. That bastard. He raised an eyebrow at me in question before walking up to me ans snapping his fingers in my face, bringing me back to reality.

I cleared my throat and avoided any sort of eye contact with him. "Umm, yeah, tea!"

Abhimanyu chuckled and took a step towards the kitchen island. "Wait. Don't sit down!"

"Why?" He asked, turning around to face me.

"You're wet."

"Yes. I can see that."

"I mean you'll get everything wet." Including me. Shut up, Akshara.

Abhimanyu raised an eyebrow, "Then should I not sit down?"

"I meant, I'll get you a towel. And a change of clothes. Don't move."

"I don't think I'll fit into your clothes..."

His voice trailed off as I rushed out of the room like a monkey whose tail was on fire. I needed to relax before I made a fool out of myself. Seriously.

When I returned, he was standing at the exact same spot where I had left him. He hadn't moved an inch. I handed him the towel first. He grabbed it and began wiping his forehead and drying his hair.

A part of me wanted to do nothing but stare at him, shamelessly. But, the smarter part of me decided against it I looked everywhere else but at him. However that did not mean I couldn't take a sneak peak. I lowered my eyelashes and shifted my eyes slightly towards him before moving them back to the side, away from him.

I heard him clear his throat and looked up to see him holding out his hand. I handed him a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt. He raised an eyebrow on suspicion as opened the pair of sweatpants and t-shirt to see if they were of his size or not.

"They belong to my roommate's boyfriend," I answered before he had a chance to ask. Why was it so important for me to let him know that this was my roommates boyfriends clothes? It's not as if he had asked. "It's washed. I promise."

I looked away at lightening speed, still trying to calm my racing heart. I dared myself to not look back at him, but had no choice when I heard him clear his throat out to gain my attention for the nth time.

He held his hands out and turned around to look his surroundings.

"Huh?" I asked, confused.

"Do you want me to change here? In the middle of the hallway?"

"Oh. Yeah, of course!"

"Of course, as in you want me to change here, in front of you?"

"No, no! I meant, of course as the bathroom is that way. Down the hall to the left."

He looked at me as he gave me a soft, yet knowing smile before making his way to the bathroom. I went to the kitchen and busied myself taking out all the ingredients required to make the world's best tea. I placed a pot on the stove and took out two mugs from the cabinets above me.

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