Chapter 30 - Akshara - Deja Vu

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I awoke the next morning to a whole marching band performing on the temple of my forehead.

Disoriented, I rubbed my eyes awake, yawning, trying to keep my pounding headache at bay.

Alarmed, I looked around at my surroundings to see I was tucked tightly under the covers of Abhimanyu's bedroom. Only I had no recollection of how I'd gotten here.

I clutched the sides of my head, trying to avoid the whiff of nausea that was overcoming me.

I ran my hand over Abhimanyu's side of the bed to see it was not slept in. A part of me felt bad that Abhimanyu hadn't slept in his own bed. But another part of me was awe in admiration of Abhimanyu's gentlemanliness.

The alarm clock on my phone went off and I saw it was fully charged, as compared my last 20% from yesterday.

Was this his way of asking for forgiveness? How could a man be so thoughtful?

I checked the time and it was about 11am. And I had a session with a patient at 12:30pm.

My eyes automatically flew to the note sitting on the night table beside me. A sense of deja vu washed over me.

Hey you,

You had quite a bit to drink yesterday so I brought you home. But oh my, drunk you is so feisty. You argued with me the entire way, but I guess I deserved it.

I know your head must be pounding, so I've kept some Tylenol and a glass of lemon water on the night table. Take one and rest for a bit before getting ready.

My eyes went to the bottle of Tylenol and glass of lemon water on the table. I held the note with one hand while downing the tablet and water with one gulp. I closed my eyes as the water hit the back of my throat, calming the raging dryness of my mouth.

I hope you had a nice sleep. Please don't be angry but I removed your bra and unbuttoned your jeans for you. They looked very uncomfortable to me.

I removed the blanket away from my body to see my jeans were unbuttoned and unzipped and my sweater and my sweater removed as I sat there braless in my tank top.

Don't worry. I didn't not sneak a peek —and was a very good boy even though I wanted to. So your virtue is still safe. I'm going to the hospital as I have a few surgeries lined up but you can take a day off if you'd like. Don't worry, I'll talk to your boss for you I'm sure he'd understand.

There is breakfast sitting in the microwave. Scrambled eggs, with roasted mini potatoes and bacon. The coffee is in the pot, piping hot and you know where the sugar, creamer and bread is. You can get angry at me later but please don't forget to eat your breakfast. After all, it is the most important meal of the day.

I'll see you soon!

My heart skipped a beat my eyes grazed over the bottom where at the ending of the note, I saw —

Love you,

—where the Love you was crossed out and instead replaced by —


Love. He had written love.

The anger I felt towards him began disappearing and being replaced by a warm feeling of love.


A four letter word with big meanings and even bigger consequences.

Was it easy to fall in love so quickly?

I got up from the bed, still in a trance of last nights hangover mixed in with today's new feelings of love.

Automatically my feet dragged my to Abhimanyu's closet which contained my overnight bag which I had kept there a night ago. I saw my sweater and bra from last night folded and kept neatly on the side beside Abhimanyu's pajamas.

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