Chapter 19 - Abhimanyu - Turn Tables

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I watched as Akshara bent forward and down on her two wide stretched feet, fling her arms back and forth a few times before letting the ball go. Strike! The ball rolled directly to its target as it toppled over every single pin on the other end. Impressive. Very impressive.

"So Akshara says you're a doctor?" Reet, her friend asked me, interrupting my focus from Akshara unto her.

"Yes, that's right. A cardiac surgeon actually." I don't even know why I said that. I could've just let it stay as doctor.

I began to turn my glance towards Akshara when Reet spoke again. "So does that mean you are very good at dealing with matters pertaining to the heart?" She asked, leaning in to me.

"Excuse me?" I frowned, suddenly feeling very odd and confused about the entire conversation.

"I meant dealing with arterial blockages and heart failures and such. Why? What did you think?"

That you were flirting with me? I breathed a sigh of relief. "Oh, nothing. I thought nothing." I correct myself quickly. Nice. I had to be nice to Akshara's friends. "And yes, I do often deal with quite a few cases like that."

Before Reet had a chance to continue the small talk, two small feet stepped up to where Reet and I were seated. I looked up to see Akshara standing there with a bowling ball in her hands and a slight scowl on her face.

"Your turn." She sneered and flung the ball towards my unprepared self without any warning. I caught the ball in my hands —barely —as my hands pressed back into my chest because of heaviness of the ball.

"Oof. That could have hurt me you know." I jibed as I stood up, towering over her small frame.

"But it didn't." She scoffed, folding her arms around her chest, her nostrils flaring.

"But it could have." I stated simply.

"But it didn't."

Never in my wildest dreams had I imagined that I, Abhimanyu Birla, a world renowned surgeon would be arguing like a pre-pubescent child with a girl bald my size while holding a bowling ball in my hands.

It baffled me to see Akshara acting like a kindergartener with me over...over...over what exactly? What had happened to her? Why was she so out of sorts? And most importantly, why was she even mad at me? What did I do now?

I swear she had been perfectly fine a few moments ago. Was it...was it that time of the month for her? I mean that could be one reason to explain her mood swings. Happy one moment and frowning the next. Should I offer her some chocolate? Cake? Chips? Cookies? Or I could just offer her my neck honestly, to strangle. No, Abhimanyu, shut up before you get yourself into more trouble.

"Guys! Relax. Abhimanyu, why don't you go take your turn. And Akshara, come, sit." Reet played mediator between the two of us.

"Okay." I replied, nodding my head towards Akshara earning an eye roll in return.

As I walked up to bowl, I was stopped by Armaan. "I'm going to order beer, wings and pizza for dinner. You good with that?" He asked gruffly, more so making a statement than asking a question.

I had a feeling Armaan did not appreciate me being here and he was letting his displeasure be felt. The entire night I had felt his gaze follow me around, informing me that I was being watched.

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