
Start from the beginning

- Hope you're doing okay

Samara bit down on her lip in thought, deciding what to do. She knew what she wanted to do, it was whether it was a smart thing to do, was the real question.

To Isaac:
- Take me with you
- please

The wraith sat staring at her phone, waiting impatiently for him to reply. What was taking him so long?

From Isaac:
- I'll be there in 5

Samara locked her phone and pulled herself out of bed. Going to her wardrobe she got changed out of her pyjamas. Once she was dressed and had her gloves and shoes on, she went downstairs and walked out the door.

Even though the sun was beginning to set, she was still the only one home. Her parents, as far as she knew, were still at work. Wren, on the other hand, Samara wasn't sure about. He had gone to see Lydia but that had been hours ago.

"You good to go?" Isaac asked.

The girl had been so lost in thought that she hadn't even noticed him pull up on his bike. Nodding, she went over and got on the back, looping her arms around his waist

Isaac didn't say anything as he let go of the brakes. They rode quietly, the only sound coming from the motorbike's engine and the cars around them.

Samara sat there anxiously, trying to read his body language. Why was he not talking to her like he usually did? Why did she hate that he wasn't talking to her?

When they arrived at the McCall house, Samara was prepared to ask him why he was so quiet. However, she didn't get the chance. As soon as he pulled over, Isaac was off his bike and staring at the house.

Looking down at the girl, he gave her a stern look. "Stay here," Isaac instructed sternly.

Samara was about to ask why, when the sound of breaking glass and screams answered her question. The creatures were there already and she was practically useless. It wasn't a good feeling

Deciding that she wanted to at least try to help instead of standing around pointlessly, Samara followed him in. Seeing her coming up behind him, Isaac frowned.
"I told you to stay out there."

"When do I ever listen to you?" she asked sarcastically, pushing past him into the house.

Just as they crossed the threshold, there was the sound of breaking glass as the twins broke through the windows in the dining room, landing on the table. Melissa grabbed ahold of who Samara assumed to be her ex-husband and attempted to drag him down a hallway away from the creatures. Seeing that she was struggling, Samara ran over to help her drag him out of the way.

"Mom, do it now!" Scott shouted.

Melissa looked down at her ex, reluctant to leave him in his injured state. Realising this is how she could help, Samara got the woman's attention. "I'll watch him. You, go and help them."

After thanking the girl, Melissa McCall ran to her front door and smashed a glass jar, laying down a line of ash. Lincoln had told her about this before - Mountain Ash. Nothing supernatural was able to cross it.

The house fell silent, the creatures unable to attack from the other side of the ash line. Melissa came right back after, kneeling beside Scott's father.

Out of curiosity, Samara stood up and went over to the door. Lifting a hand, she reached out. Pushing against the air, she felt an invisible force holding her back. It was a strange sensation, that was for certain.

"Are you alright?" Isaac asked as he walked up behind her.

Removing her hand from the barrier, she turned to face him. "I'm fine."

𝐀 𝐋𝐈𝐓𝐓𝐋𝐄 𝐃𝐄𝐀𝐓𝐇 • Isaac LaheyWhere stories live. Discover now