"I missed you", she blurted out.

"When I saw you earlier today, all the years without communication dawned on me and I felt a familiar pain in here", she gestured towards her chest - a defeated smile on her lips.

"I guess I haven't shaken off everything that happened, after all. I haven't shaken you off - all of you."

She looked down, seemingly scared of the sudden confession. "I'm sorry", she whispered.

"I'm sorry that I let my fear drive every decision that I made back then."

She looked at me this time, tears forming in her eyes.

"But I'm better now. I've grown up", she smiled faintly.

I was taken aback by the vulnerability she was showing.

I knew that reconnecting with her would mean that we need to revisit all the unfinished conversations, and all the things that come with them. But the Ryujin I knew wasn't this brave of putting herself in the line like this. She kept a lot of personal things to herself – inside the walls that she has built.

"What are you trying to tell me, Ryujin?" I asked her softly - wanting to hear it from her.

She reached for my hand and I melted instantly with the contact.

"I want you to meet this Ryujin. I want you to meet the Ryujin who went through all these years of growth, and change", she paused.

"And then... I want you to tell me if you'd want to keep me as much as I'd want to keep you."

There was a pause.

"So... start all over again?" I asked, my hand still in hers.

She nodded.

She's offering herself to me again.

"I haven't... dated or seen anyone after you", I confessed.

"And I haven't felt safe enough to trust another person again, for a long time."

"But I've grown a lot, too. I've experienced a lot of life's mishaps. I'm not the same vulnerable, crybaby Yeji anymore. And I wouldn't allow myself to crumble again because of... love", I continued.

She held my hand tighter.

And, finally, I held back.

"But tell me Ryujin... how, this morning when I saw you... I knew in a second that I'd take you back if you'd want me to?"

She looked at me and tackled me into a hug.

We cried, and didn't let go. As if this hug could take back all the years that we've spent apart.

We spent the next couple of hours on the balcony - talking and laughing. Sharing with each other the little things that happened all throughout the years, all these details that we haven't deemed important until that night, when we found our way back together.

All the things that I'm sure only Ryujin would find funny, or amusing. The things that I know she'd tease or admire me for.

Eventually, I had to call my driver to take me home.

The next morning, I received a message from Ryujin.


It's been years. I'm surprised that she's still fond of calling me that.

Another text in less than a minute.

Good morning!

I smiled instantly with the greeting.

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