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You slammed your back up against a barred door as you looked to the once innocent Demon who held his head before he spoke once again, but in a much more dark and demonic voice, "You look familiar. But you are not the one who cursed us... Who... are... you?"

"B-Bendy?" You weakly said, feeling like you'd cracked your ribs upon hitting the door, your vision fading in and out. The Demon marched right up to you, giving off a very imposing vibe that made you feel like if you were standing up, your legs would've turned to jelly. The Demon got extremely close to you and threateningly said, "The Bendy you know is but half of us, for now he's gone. But you will answer MY question first; Who. Are. You." You sighed as you tried to speak once again, but only a slight noise came out. You then noticed something as your eyes shifted to something moving behind the Demon. It looked like some sort of creature with a headlamp for a head holding a modified gent pipe slowly creeping up on the Demon.

You grunted as you forced two words out of your mouth while grabbing a nearby screw to toss at the creature behind the Demon, "Bendy... Run..." The Demon looked behind himself and sent a fist flying into the being as it also proceeded to slam into a nearby object, a sickening *Snap* filling the area as the light faded from the headlamp and the creature lay limp on the floor. The Demon turned to you, and it seemed there was some sort of unspoken understanding between the two of you for what felt like hours before the Demon tossed you a can of Bacon soup and walked away. In your mind, you thanked Bendy as you took a sip from the can and cringed as you felt your wounds healing from within.

You coughed from the aftertaste you were no longer used to as you got up and walked over to the creature that Bendy had presumably (and likely) killed. You closely examined it, but you didn't recognize anything from the creature. A headlamp that looked like it was supposed to blind its target before it presumably tazed said target with the gent pipe it had. You looked to said pipe, but it was broken and bent to an almost unrecognizable state. You decided that for now, your priority was to find anyone you knew here, but a sudden loud screech of an old PA speaker then made you convulse in pain before a rather eerie voice spoke out, "Attention! Children of the Machine! It's Wilson! There have been lies that the Ink Demon has been spotted in Animation Alley! Pay no attention to these filthy rumors. I destroyed the Demon myself! HE DIED BY MY HANDS! So don't be afraid. Your friend Wilson will protect you."

You immediately questioned this man's sanity as you slowly made your way through a couple of the corridors and eventually into a sewer like area. "Well, well, well, two visitors in one day. Nice to see you again (Y/n)." Came an all to familiar voice as you looked up to see a shadowy figure you instantly recognized. "Joey!? What- How di- How on Earth are you alive!?" You sputtered as you held your head. Joey chuckled as he said, "Well, it's rather interesting... follow me, there's something I need to show you." You climbed a nearby ladder as Joey grabbed a nearby lantern and began to walk down an adjacent hallway.

As the two of you briefly walked in silence, you finally broke it as you said in a mildly annoyed tone, "You didn't answer my question, Joey..." He once again chuckled as he turned to you and replied, "Well, for start, I'm not the real Joey, just... the memories. But I know why you're here, and what you seek." You thought to the reason you were there in the first place as you grew slightly hopeful, "You know where my friends are?" "Better than that, I can show you..." Joey said as he opened a door he'd come up to, and inside a small sort of bunker, on the bed, was Edgar. You ran up to him as you looked over him, seeing that he had scratches and even a burn on one of his hands, leaving a strangely colorful mark.

"What happened?" You said as you lightly massaged Edgar's hand, with the swirl on your hand glowing to life once again, and the colorful ink slowly evaporating off of Edgar's hand. "I found him like this by the station not far from the city." Joey said as he set the lantern down on a nearby table. "There's a city down here!?" You said in utter disbelief. "Oh yes, just through the tunnel and past the subway station. I believe that is where you'll find the answers you seek." Joey said as he suddenly faded into dust behind a door, and as you opened it, you were greeted with a grave, the grave of Joey Drew.

You stood there as you observed it, the man had caused so much anguish for you and your friends, and yet he just led you to one and even told you where to go. You felt conflicted, but all you could do was stand there in silence... before a cough brought you back to reality. You quickly ran over to the bed where Edgar was beginning to stir. "(M-Mr/Ms) (Y/n)...?" He quietly uttered as you comforted him. "It's alright, Edgar. I'm here. I've got you. You're safe."

Tears began to well up in his eyes as he suddenly tackled you to the ground and bawled his eyes out in your shirt. The entire time, you gave him a comforting hug, knowing that he needed this.

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