Welcome to The Studio

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"...*GASP* *Cough* *Cough* *Gasp*" You took in air as you tried to steady your heartbeat, trying not to have a heart attack. You looked around as you took in your surroundings. "So... I really am back." You said as you observed the familiar old and decrepit look of the studio. Immediately you heard some sort of shuffling in the distance, seeming to grow louder. You looked around and quickly yanked a loose board from the wall, holding it in both of your hands. You gripped the board and waited as a looming shadow slowly defined itself around the corner, with two horns poking out on top. "Ben? Is that you?" You said as the shadow quickly dissapeared. You slowly went around the corner and looked but there was nothing but a Bendy Cutout. "Ugh... stupid cutout." You groaned as you walked by and slowly made your way through the old studio.

As you slowly walked through the halls you began to jump at every little noise. Taking a deep breath you came to an area marked 'Animation Alley' but it seemed like the entrance to it. Then a much more grotesque version of Edgar then you remembered leaped from the ceiling and tackled you to the ground. You kept it from biting you with the board you still had as you kicked it into the wall. Then knowing that it wasn't the Edgar you knew, you split the board in two with your knee and drove one half of it right into the creatures midsection, pinning it to the wall. You dropped the other board and looked around at your surroundings. Spying an old miracle station in the distance, but since you were safe for now, you just made a mental note of it before continuing to look around.

As you walked around you found an open vent area. Crawling inside it, you made your way through the vent system. As you crawled for what felt like hours, you then heard something that sounded like a shock and shortly after something running as it sounded like someone was angry at something in the distance. Then around the corner came Bendy himself, tears in his eyes before he noticed you and jumped into your arms. "Bendy! Oh it's good to see a familiar face around here! I'm so glad you're okay." You said as you hugged the little demon. "(Y/N)! I can't believe it's you! I didn't know what happened... I was just playing with this toy I found and this weird lady showed up and shocked me. After which I ran away and soon found you." The Little Demon said as he continued to hug you, refusing to let go.

"It's alright. It's alright. Do you know where the others are?" You said as you lightly rubbed Bendy's back. "I don't remember seeing Edgar around in a while, but... there's something wrong with Alice. She's... somehow back to her old self, before you helped her out." Bendy said as he soon sat down in your lap. You grew more and more nervous as you thought about the dangers that might have lurked in the halls of the studio, worrying for the safety of the others. "Do you know if anyone else is here?" You said as you and Bendy got out of the vent and began walking down one of the many decrepit hallways. Bendy put his hand to his chin and thought for a minute before he replied, "I think Alison is here. I don't really know about anyone else though. We'd have to have a good look around for them."

As the two of you were walking, you looked down to your hand which you still had faint memories of Ben giving you the ability to restore the characters to a more stable condition. You began to faintly see the swirl in the palm of your hand glowing again, like an old friend waking from a deep slumber. "Well should we find ourselves in danger, I should be able to deal with it. So let's just take this one step at a time. Right Bendy?" You said as you stopped and turned to the Little guy. Bendy nodded and began, "Yeah. Don't worry (Y/N). I'm with you till the end of the li-AGH!" Bendy then curled over and collapsed to the ground. You quickly ran over to the Little Demon and knelt down to him as he suddenly began to throw up ink all over the floor. "Bendy! Are you okay!?" You said as you held him carefully.

It sounded like Bendy was choking as the Ink he vomited up began to crawl up his arms. "*Gasp* (Y-Y/N)... I *Violent Cough* I don't know what's *Vomit* happening to me?" He struggled to say as you could only watch. The Ink covering Bendy began to make him enlarge as he continued to vomit as well as scream in agony. You took a few steps back as you saw Bendy's horrified expression curl up into a twisted, manic grin. With his teeth now separating into two parts, and his horns extending. "Bendy! Speak to me!" You said as you put your hand on the newly transformed demon's shoulder. You heared heavy breathing coming from him as he appeared to look at you, before he took in a sharp breath and swatted you away like a fly.

You slammed your back up against a barred door as you looked to the once innocent Demon who held his head before he spoke once again, but in a much more dark and demonic voice, "You look familiar. But you are not the one who cursed us... Who... are... you?"


Hey guys. Zion here.
I'm sorry that I haven't uploaded in a while, I've been dealing with a bit of burn out when it comes to writing stories. I've just been taking some time to try and get back into the swing of things. And while I'm not all the way there yet, I'm making good progress.

So thank all of you that have continued to support me through these stories and I can't wait to see what comes next.

Have an awesome Thanksgiving (if you celebrate it) and keep being amazing people!


P.s. : I know it sounds cheesy but know that I'm thankful for everyone of you guys. Have a good one.

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