chapter 2

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The next morning the smell of breakfast came through the vents. Charlie catches the sent as it made him stir

Charlie:ermmm *he sat up rubbing his eyes and stretches* nothing better than the smell of breakfast in the morning *he looked towards Alistra who was asleep next to him not wanting to wake her he gets up and gets dressed then goes to out the room, not before giving Alistra a kiss on the cheek which made her smile*

Charlie headed towards the cafeteria where smell was coming from. Nifty was cooking in the cafeteria. She looked up to notice that Charlie looked like him had just got out of bed after a hot night of sexy time.

Charlie: oh heya Niffty good morning

Niffty:Goood morning!! I- **She sniffed the air before she scurried over to start sniffing Charlie like a dog before she backed off. And looked him in the eye.** Why do you smell like a woman?

Charlie:What do you mean? *I sniffed myself* I don't smell nothing

Niffty:You smell like... Her... **She adds a little extra for Alistra and sends Charlie on his way. She whispers.** Lady's love breakfast in bed. I would know.~

Charlie:Oh uh...ok thanks *he took the tray and also grabbed a cup of coffee and walked back to his and Alistra's room and he peaked inside seeing if she was awake*

She was still sleeping in bed where Charlie left her. She didn't stir at all or even notice him. Charlie quietly walked in and he walked over to Alistra and he shook her gently

Charlie:hey Al wake up

Alistra:... Mmmm? Yes dear? What is it? Does some one need gutting...? **she was still half asleep while this is going on.**

Charlie:Uh no I'm here to give you breakfast in bed *he placed the tray on Alistra's lap*

Alistra:Awww~ You're so sweet! I love you my dear! **she smiled as she picked up the knife and fork to start eating.**

Charlie:Your welcome and I love you too *he kissed Alistra on her cheek*

Alistra quietly eat what was on the tray while she turned on the TV, she smirked as Killjoy's terrified face came on. She never did seem to recover after her little visit.

Charlie:Wow she's still terrified geez what did you do to her

Alistra:You know Vox, the laddy with a picture show for a head? Well lets just say that I let loose some information that a little birdy told me about her stealing from him. Some call it black mail but I like to think of it as "persuasion"~

Charlie:No way really? Well she's always known to a greedy bitch but I didn't think she would actually stooped to that level of desperation I guess it's true that stuff will come back to bite you edvenully

Alistra:Well she attacked and mocked you as well, she has it coming, whatever it so happens to be. Regardless, I hope Vox gets his ass in gear and fixes his mistake. After that the boy should swallow a certain pill and leave me alone. I hate him...

Charlie:What do you mean are you guys like enemies or something cause I know you're powerful enough to rival every overlord in hell

Alistra:Yes, the idiot box thinks he can shut me down, what a load of poppycock!! I'm stronger then he could ever hope to be!

Charlie:I know you are anyway I should go see how's everything around the hotel *he said as he stood up and walked towards the door*

Vaggie was just finishing up while checking in a new guest.

Vaggie: Oh, Charlie! Thank god you are here! Have you seen how many new clients we have? I have no idea how this happened but I sure am grateful!

Charlie:Yeah me too it almost seemed like it's a dream but it's not it's real I'm the most grateful for this too

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2023 ⏰

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