[ 041 ] the weight she carries.

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chapter forty-one, the weight she carries.
[ season nine, episode two ]

DESPITE HAVING A LIFE in Alexandria, Odessa tries to stay out of the community as much as possible. She spends as much time as she can with her sister and Brielle, but knowing Negan is so close to her and her family... it hurts her stomach, it hurts her heart.

It's day thirty-five of the rest of their lives.

All of the communities have come together to start construction on the bridge. Odessa has been assigned the job of making sure all is well at the camp. She's here to make sure no one does something stupid; like start a fight, or another war for that matter.

More of her family is here.

But Odessa has been hovering near the infirmary tent, picking up on what Enid is being taught by Siddiq. Of course, he's noticed this. So Siddiq is now teaching Odessa about medical things as well.

Currently, Odessa stands behind Enid as she stitches Theo's hand. She stares her adopted brother with blank eyes.

"You're an idiot, you know that right?" Is how she starts their conversation. Theo's eyes turn to her with a glare. "You're damn lucky you didn't get an infection, Theo. Next time, don't be stupid. Come here right away."

"I know, Des," Theo rolls his eyes. "But you know I'm not good with knives like you are. Guns are my thing. It's just embarrassing and dumb that I cut myself with a knife while cutting a piece of rope."

"Yeah, well, it's an ever dumber way to get gangrene," Enid tells him firmly.

"How's the star student doing," Rick's voice hits her ears. Odessa's eyes immediately turn to her father. "And Odessa." He says in confusion.

"Ready to take on anything. Oh, and Des is just picking up everything I put down." Siddiq informs him.

"Good. She's gonna get her chance. I'd like you to head back home. There's a bug goin' around." Rick says.

"Okay. I'll head out with the next escort," Siddiq states.

"Wait, he's leaving?" Enid panics, turning sharply to face Rick.

At this, she tugs on the stitches. "Ow! Damnit, Enid!" Theo hisses.

"Sorry," she quickly apologizes. "It's fine. I—I've got this."

"Yeah, I know." Rick smiles. "Des, you stayin' around camp or you gone go ahead and head out to the bridge?"

"Probably the bridge. If we have any problems, that's where they'll be," she says.

"What happened to you?" He then asks Theo.

"I don't wanna talk about it, Dad." Theo shakes his head. He cheeks turn pink in embarrassment as he thinks of how he got the cut on his palm.

Rick nods. He then smiles at his children before he and Eugene start to walk away.

"You're a dumbass," Odessa says to Theo. "If you wanna learn how to handle melee weapons, all you gotta do is ask me."

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