[ 019 ] life goes on.

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chapter nineteen, life goes on.
[ season seven, episode fourteen ]

NO MATTER WHAT, LIFE goes on in the Hilltop Colony. Not as normal, but life goes on.

Sasha trains the residents on how to fight. Cori and Jesus continue their own teachings with Flynn who's still very young but definitely on his way to being the Hilltop's best fighter.

Maggie makes plans for the Hilltop. Enid is right there with her for every single step. And somehow, somewhere along the way, Cori and Flynn appear with Maggie when she gets an ultrasound, as well.

Cori knows what Sasha is planning. It's something Cori's wanted to do every since Silas's death but could never bring herself to do. She's going to take out Negan.

Night settles over the community. The entirety of their little makeshift family is sitting in the fully lit camper that belongs to Jesus.

Most nights Jesus sleeps in the Ackler's trailer since Maggie and the others have been using his, but lately, it's been like this. Everyone all together in one small space.

And to be fair, they like it better this way.

Enid sits at the desk, she steals a glance at Maggie every so often. Sasha is on the couch beside Flynn who's taking a liking to Sasha. Enid calls it a crush but Cori knows better. Jesus sits on the bed, drawing something on a piece of paper. And Cori sits on the floor, twisting a single bullet in between her fingers.

Maggie is at the table, planning something el— no. When Cori looks up at her, she realizes Maggie is asleep. "Finally." The girl whispers. Maggie has been working nonstop, she needs the rest. They all do. But Maggie is the one that needs it the most.

Flynn watches with careful eyes as Jesus stands and walks over to where he and Sasha sit. He hands her a folded piece of paper. And when she opens it, he reads the words; front of factory.

Flynn is a smart kid. For a seven year old, he's incredibly smart. He knows what's up. He glances at Sasha. "You shouldn't do it." He's whispers the words as to not wake up Maggie. "It's gonna end bad."

And then after Daryl and Odessa appear at Hilltop's gates, it's Rosita that strolls in one day after Odessa's arrival.

When Sasha walks into the trailer, Jesus notices her odd body language straight away. Cori and Enid are nearby, planting tomatoes. Jesus taps both their shoulders and motions to the trailer. "Sasha," he whispers so Maggie doesn't hear.

They all enter the trailer together. Sasha holds a book in her hand. Cori knows what books that is. It's not really one at all. It's hollowed out, hiding bullets.

"I was... lookin' for something to read the other day." Sasha lies.

"You can have the bullets. I didn't know you had a gun." Jesus tells her.

"I didn't. I do now," she looks around at the three. They all know what this means. They all know why Rosita showed up when she did. They're gonna go after Negan soon.

"Sasha, don't go— not yet." Jesus walks towards her. "Rosetta didn't coke here to train people. You're both going after Negan. You can't do that without people. A lot of people."

"We've talked about this," Sasha says. Then she glances at Cori, "all of us. I know what you two think. And I appreciate that. But I'm not gonna change my mind. She's not," then Sasha looks at Enid. "Does Maggie know Rosita's here yet?"

damnation → the walking dead ⁴जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें