10) Carnival Nights 🎇

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I woke up with Charlie still at my side still sleeping until he hears me trying to sit up.

"Hey", He says with a raspy voice and a smile.

"Hey", I said softly.  

We talk for a little bit while I continue to wake up. We also got some breakfast before I get discharged.

A little later the nurse comes into the room. Charlie leaves and the nurse helps me get changed into some new clothes Charlie brought from the hotel room. The nurse finishes up and goes back out to get a wheelchair.

Charlie comes back in and helps the nurse get me into the chair.

We head back to the hotel to chill for the last day we are going to be here.

Once we made it back to our hotel room Charlie helped me into bed where I took a nap for a couple of hours.

Once I woke up it was time for lunch so we had ordered room service and Charlie had surprised me with everyone coming over to eat with us. I'm really happy that he thought about the little things and helps make me feel like I'm not alone.

We finished up and then chilled and just talked for another half hour or so.

Everyone ends up going back to their room after.

I relaxed for a couple more hours and then they came up with the idea to go to the carnival. I was really excited for this since the beginning days and because I've been taking it easy I feel up to going out for a little bit.

I put a little makeup on to cover up the bruises and my eye bags. I picked a comfortable outfit, sweatpants and a t-shirt with a zip up on top.

We get dropped off at the carnival and we go inside to get our tickets. Everyone splits up into different groups to go to all kinds of rides. Charlie and I just walk around slowly to take everything in.

Of course I can't go on a lot of rides, just a couple and we decided to stand and wait in line for the carousel. I figured we'd start with a classic and more gentle of the rides.

I picked the (your favorite animal) and Charlie went on the one next me, the dark brown mustang. I forget how fun these rides are. I really like how your inner child comes out and how happy you feel.

The ride stops and we get off to go sit down before we go to another ride. We talk for a little about the lights and how beautiful it is outside and how many stars there are out tonight.

We got up to walk around again and Charlie stopped at a game with the stacked milk bottles. He gave the man a ticket and then was given three balls. The first shot he got half of the bottles and with the second ball he got the rest.

He won a little teddy bear.

"Here, this is for you", he says.

"Thanks, you know you didn't have to do that", I said, trying to hide my smile.

"I wanted to", he reaches down to hold my hand.

We walk more to the next ride. It is the swings, my favorite one I've been waiting to go on for what seems like years. I don't even remember the last time I went on it. We get into the line.

It didn't take that long to get to the front of the line. We see everyone get out of the chair and they let us in for our turn. Of course we picked the seat for two people. We slide the bar up to get in and then back down. Next we buckled up and waited for the employee to check everyone before starting up the ride.

I had the teddy bear in my hand and my other one feeling the rush of air wiggling my fingers with my thumb touching the bar. I closed my eyes feeling the air and the amount of happiness and freedom that washed over me was exhilarating. I don't want this feeling to ever end, but not too long after it starts to slow down and stop to let others have a turn.

We walked around more and then decided to end the night with the ferris wheel. It was good that it didn't feel hot outside and had a little breeze so when we were standing in line we were not uncomfortable.

After a couple of minutes we are at the front of the line and get on. It rocks a little at first and I hurry up and grab Charlie's hand.

"I've got you, he said softly, "your safe I'm right here"

I breathe in and out and say, "Thank you, I really appreciate how understanding you've been"

"Of course I like you y/n", he says looking in my eye and holding my hand.

"I like you too", I say smiling.

"I know this might be too soon, but what yesterday has taught me is that you never know what is going to happen today, tomorrow, or even years from now. Well,what I'm trying to say is that. Will you be my girlfriend", he expresses.

"Of course I will be your girlfriend", I say and then bring him in for a kiss.

We look at the night sky until the ride is over with my head rested on his shoulder.

We get off of the ride and meet up with everyone so we can get back to the hotel room before it gets too late. Before we tell anyone we want to take time with each other and see where we want this to go, but we will just not now. I feel like we should do it in person after we've known each other longer. We have an early flight tomorrow, so we should get all the rest we can. 

The time we got back to the room was 12 am and our flight was at 7 am. We got ready for bed and fell asleep right away.

I woke up on the last day with Charlie lying next to me. I forgot the last time I was this happy when I woke up this early. The time seemed like it was going by slowly and we got dressed and all packed up and still had a little time left. We took advantage of every second with each other.

Through the car ride to the airport, through security, and even waiting until one of us had to board first. At least we have each other's number. We got on our separate planes and spent a couple hours traveling. I get off the plane and get back to my place. I'm so happy to be back in my own bed, I'm so tired.

While laying in my bed I look through my photos of Charlie and I. They are so cute! I can't hold back the smile forming on my lips. I already miss him, I know it has only been a couple of hours but i do. It is crazy how spending everyday with someone can change your life in a big way.

I can't wait to see where this goes!

Word count: 1222

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