*~☆Shop's, shop's, shop's☆~*

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"You're coming with."
Was all Childe heard before being dragged out of the parlour and onto Liyue's busy streets.

The city life was as good as ever. Ton of people chatting and joking. Some eating food or enjoying trinkets bought by them. According to Zhongli the evenings is when the city truly bloomed many people not having to work at that time and so having the time to enjoy the city.

It was really nice actually ton of bright and colourful shops all over the city streets.

Childe's eyes were wandering all over his head perking up looking at all the lights hung up along with some decorations.

It was supposed to be Lantern Rite soon so maybe they were preparing? Could be.

Suddenly he was tugged back by his sleeve a loud yelp coming from him as he turned to face the culprit. None other than Zhongli. His frown disappeared not having the strength to be upset at him.

"Childe get your head from the clouds. You almost bumped into a lady. Now here help me choose which earrings will do."

"Huh? Oh aren't you just going to buy the exact one's you broke?"

"I would love to but they were custom i remember that part. She was very proud of that. Though it costs way more mora than i can spend so-"

"I can lend you some?"


"Sure. I don't see any issues with it. I'll be totally fine how much is a custom glass earring something similar to this."

He said to the lady selling jewelry handing over the broken product.

"Oh these? Of course. That'll be 1 million mora."

"1 million?!"

"Why of course. These are special earrings that have lots of cultural meaning with the dead and such. So obviously it costs quite a sum."

"Of course yeah yeah just take it before i regret it."

Childe mumbled under his nose swatting his hand as be handed over five mora bags the woman greedily looking at them before snatching them and reminding to come by tommorow.

Zhongli shot a guilty look at him scoffing.

"Everything alright?"

Childe looked at him eyeing the man suspiciously.

"Not really.. well. I feel bad you seemed quite upset to be giving away such a large sum of money."

"Oh no, no, no! I wasn't upset at the price. More like it's just an earring and it costs a lot. Money isn't a problem for me at all quite the opposite if i may say so."


"Yeah. Don't think I'll be upset over a million. Sure it may be a semi big sum of money but I'm sure it'll be worth it. And if it won't I'll make sure that woman regrets it till her very last days."

"Ajax please do not threaten people. I do not wish for you to inflict any harm upon others. Nor yourself imagine the law suit for that."

"In theory. No one would have to know yes? I'm sure you'd keep your mouth shut. Wouldn't you Mr Zhongli..?"

"Let's not go there."

"Awh.. well would you like to go eat something? I'm getting quite hungry myself."

"Hm- oh. Sure we can do that."

"Do you know any good restaurants?"

"Yes. Xiangling's restaurant has quite a lot to offer so we can head there."

"Sounds good. It's on me."

"Childe! You just spend a large sum of money i swear to god if you will-"

"Do you have the mora to spend?"

"Well i.. i am perfectly content with tea which i do have the money for."

"If that's what you prefer i suppose. A shame really."

After arriving and ordering Zhongli only had his tea and Childe(just to spite the other) ordered ton of delicious foods.

Each time he'd catch Zhongli glancing at his food he'd chuckle amusement filling him.

"How is your tea Zhongli?"

"It's okay.."

"Sure you don't want any?"

"...no. I'm perfectly fine with only tea."

"You sure? You keep looking at my food. If you want any just take and enjoy i am for sure not going to eat it all."

"Why'd you order so much then?"

"Wanted a taste of everything."

Zhongli death glared him before his face features softened.

His gaze moved from Childe's face to the food he huffed and shoved the tea cup to the side taking the place with ride ball's wolfing it down.

Childe giggled as he looked at the man who was eating as fast as he could.

"Ahaha Mr Zhongli i see you're enjoying yourself! Clam down the food won't get away."

Zhongli looked up at him contemplating what he said before untimely shrugged and continuing to greedily eat all the rice ball's swatting Childe's hand away anytime he'd try to take away the plate.

And it wasn't like Childe wanted any. They weren't up to his taste really. But he pretended as if he did just to tease the man.

"Count Your Blessings"///Zhongli x ChildeWhere stories live. Discover now