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Childe was in the middle of drying his hair with the towel he was given when a knock came on the door. The door slowly opened anf Childe put down the towel water still dripping from his now semi wet ginger hair. Zhongli stepped in and frowned at the man.

"Do you even know how to dry your own hair? You'll get sick like that. I can't believe someone your age doesn't have any idea. Especially science you come from Shneznaya for the love of god!"

"I do know how to dry it..."

"Oh? Show me you drying it and it not ending up soaking wet- are you using a hand towel?"

"I-um.. there weren't any other towels here so i.."

"What about this one right here?"

Zhongli pointed to a white towel neatly folded up laying on a laundry basket. His face showed a mix of amusement and irritation.

He sighed deeply as he pinched his nose bridge with his gloved hand.

"I thought it was yours?.."

"You are dumber than i thought. Hand towels do not dry your hair well. Not this one at least."

"I didn't know that.."

He muttered feeling his face heat up.

"Come sit."

Zhongli called out as he pulled out a from behind the door.

Childe approached him and sat down shivering as a water droplet slid down his back.

"See? I told you. It's cold in Liyue in the morning."

Childe huffed looking down and Zhongli simply shrugged as he took the white towel and started drying off his hair properly.

He closed his eyes as to avoid getting water in his eyes.

When Zhongli was done he threw the towel on top of the gingers head. He jumped and turned around only a bit of hair and his eye visible along with his mouth which was wide open in suprise.

The man chuckled bringing his gloved hand to his lips and then walked up to the sink.

"What did you want by the way?"

"To brush my teeth obviously."

"You already ate?"

"Obviously.. you take a long time bathing."

"I enjoy soaking in warm water."

"So do i. But this just seems ridiculous doesn't it?"

"Not to me no."

"Whatever you say. I prepared a sandwich for you to eat. It's in the kitchen."



"Doesn't it seem a bit odd? We met yesterday and i feel like we met before... I mean. I think of you as a friend but.."

Zhongli ruffled Childe's hair snapping him out of his trance.

"Don't worry about that. What's important is that you feel better yes? Besides.. no well you'll find out someday but we've met before."

"Did we?"

"I can assure you we did. I'm sure you'll realize when at some point. I would be way more cautious if i were to help a stranger. But now stop asking questions and get into your clothes that I've prepped for you."

"Okay then!"

Childe said eagerly and started taking off his towel when Zhongli started freaking out and started spitting out his toothpaste while covering his eyes and blushing like mad.

"Not here you brick head! I can see your reflection!"


Childe paused and put his towel back on. His face heating up.

"I'm sorry."

Zhongli cleared his throat composing himself as he looked accusingly at Childe this time not through the reflection.

Childe chuckled nervously scratching at the back of his neck as he stood up from the stool and placed it back by the door.

Zhongli returned to brushing his teeth as the other walked out with his clothes in hand.

Geez.. they only met one another and he's already flashed him. That moment will now forever be burnt into his consciousness.


He finished putting on his clothes and returned to the bathroom to put the towel back on the dryer.

Zhongli was long gone from there so he approached the dryer and placed the towel on it making sure not to make anything other than his pride fall.

Then he approached the sink noticing a blood droplet on the side. He turned on the water and washed it off hurrying out of there to check on Zhongli.

He approached the kitchen where Zhongli was sat by the table and tapped him on the shoulder.

"Everything alright? I saw blood in the sink."

"Hum..? Oh yeah. I just bit my toungue when you-.."

Zhongli's eyes looked at the floor before flickering back to meet Childe's eyes.

The man had a lopsided smile as he giggled.

"Yeah sorry about that. Didn't think you would be able to see me in the reflection."

"It's fine."

"Can i see?"


"Your tongue."

"I gues? Why?"

"Just cause."

Zhongli surveyed his face for any other intentions but upon not seeing any he stuck out his tounge.

Childe bent down curiosity visible. He placed his hand on the side of his chin.

"Why is your tounge like that?"


"It split. Like a lizard kinda cool. Had that always been like this?"

Zhongli shrugged.

Childe sighed and tilted his head to the left shock replacing his curiosity as his thumb brushed over Zhongli's lower lip.

The others heartbeat skyrocketing through the roof.

His thumb then gently going over his canniness.

"Gee no wonder you bit your tongue. With caniness like that you'd be able to bite through anything. You could easily pierce through skin i have never seen such sharp one's like yours. Sure my brother has some sharp ones but yours are unbelievable."

Zhongli shook his head making Childe let go off his face.

"Just a thing i have i guess. Nothing too special."

"No trust me the combination of a split tounge and sharp caniness makes you look... Uhm.."

His gaze faltered as a red tint appeared on his cheeks.


He finished his voice cracking at the end making an amused smile make it's way onto Zhongli's face.

"I suppose."

"If i didn't know any better I'd say your appearance is one of a god. Truly... You're breaking Mr Zhongli."

A quiet gasp came from the other as he looked away suddenly clearing his throat.

"Eat your food Childe. I don't think i made that for nothing.."

"Ah right!"

"Count Your Blessings"///Zhongli x ChildeWhere stories live. Discover now