*~☆Snow globe☆~*

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A loud knock to the door shook him awake as he sighed and turned to look at the door cursing out in his head anyone behind it for interrupting him.

When the knocking didn't fade he got out of his chair and walked over to the door dreading yet another interaction with some pesky guard's. It's as if they always need him to- do this do that. Such a pity murdering them was a crime against his Majesty.

He opened the door letting out an internal groan as he saw two of the Tsaritsa's guards this time.

"What is it this time..?"

He said the coldness of his tone rubbing off on the guards and sending shivers down their spine's.

"Mm- Majesty Tsaritsa requested your presence in the flesh. Be so kind and comply please. It is an urgent matter according to her."

Childe perked up a bit upon hearing who this was coming from. It was uncommon for her Majesty to request his presence. Anyone's presence at all. He bit down on his lower lip nodding silently.

"If it is Tsaritsa i suppose. I'll be there soon tell her to expect my arrival shortly."

"Of course."

Childe scoffed as he watched them walk away couldn't they just send a letter. Though if it is that important and she did send her personal men this may be more than just work. It must mean business..

He smirked strolling over to his closet and picking out the formal attire for the meeting. If he wanted to please Tsaritsa he had to make sure she saw that he valued her time and effort.

Finally he brushed through his slightly tangled hair attaching the mask.

And so finally he walked out the door making his way over to her Majesty's throne thinking through anything she might ask for and what his exact response may be. Her Majesty obviously expects her men to know everything and be ready for anything she might ask for.

He reached the hall nerves racking his guts slightly it's been a long time since he was called in for something and last time she was pleased with the execution and now expected better than before. Quite frankly it's been well over a month science then and he almost forgot about it all burying all the scarred and angry faces staring back at him. It was quite a sight to see yes... But not something he wants to ever witness again. Hence the dread pooling at the bottom of his stomach.

Slowly he stepped forward right in front of the throne and make himself look down. In his nation it was dishonorable to look at the ruler if not commanded to do so.

And because he didn't want to make this any tougher for himself he decided to obey the rules.

Finally loud clinking of heels started echoing all across the throne room. The long cape she wore dragging across the floor as she made her way over. Finally she cleared her throat and spoke up.

"I see you've decided to show up Tartaglia.. very well, very well."

He stayed silent taking in a deep breath before nodding. As he did so he felt her icey eyes staring at him and observing his movements. The walls were lacking any sound until she spoke up.

"Achem.. Now. As you probably are aware i have something i require of you."

"Yes Your Majesty.."

"Look up foolish child. Better yes.. now what i have for you is simple. Find, befriend and betray. Is that clear?"

"Of course. Would you be so merciful to tell more?"

"Ah yes of course. But i will brush over it. Nothing much of importance to you. This thing has wronged me. Person.. a blessing creature you could say. I have no regard for it's foolish way's. Yet it has wronged me in the past many, many times. And i would like you to kill it. Make sure the death is merciless. The people call it the 'blessing dragon' a 'demigod' or 'The golden beast of Liuye'. All those stupid names feel undeserved to me and my question is. Will you be able to kill it?"

"Of course. Does it reside in Liuye then?"

"But of course. In the mountains there is a shrine that reeks of that lizard. I will get one of the guards who reside there to take you to a tour guide. You cannot expose your plan or otherwise the guide will attempt to kill you and will put a wanted poster of you there. Be careful i bed of you."

"I will Tsaritsa. As requested. When is my leave?"

"In a few hours. At noon go to the dock there will be a crew awaiting for you there that will take you to it."

He bit back a snarky remark and nodded slowly turning and walking away getting ready to pack his things up. Who knows how long this may take? Day's? Week's? Month's?

He shook his head distracting himself from his thoughts.

Today will be a big day...

"Count Your Blessings"///Zhongli x ChildeWhere stories live. Discover now