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He laid there smiling like an idiot. His gaze shifted from the now closed door to the small bedside table that noticably had some clothes placed on it. His brows furrowed. Did he forget them? No.. he had taken something different didn't he?

Suddenly he examined his own clothing now only in his white shirt and his boxers.

Did he?


Even though this was ridiculous he bit down on his lip and let out a shakey breath he didn't know he was holding.

He turned to look at the door getting out of bed to deliver the man his clothes. He must've took his instead of the one's he wanted to use.

Grabbing the clothes he examined them briefly. It was a pale yellow shirt with black shorts. Nothing too special.

With a deep sigh he walked over to the door opening it cautiously.

After not seeing anyone he directed himself towards the sound of running water from not too far away.

As he approached the door his heart started racing. But he quickly composed himself knocking on it lightly and opening it while looking down with his eyes closed.

A surprised gasp came from inside as the water suddenly turned off.

"Uh hello? Mr Zhongli?"

"Open up your eyes."

He did as told and Zhongli was standing in front of his his hand loosely holding the bath robe hiding his body underneath it. The sleeves were long hiding his hands. One he had tucked to his chest and the other was loosely hanging. As soon as he noticed the starring he placed the hand behind his back sending a slight glare.

"Gee i never saw a man so defensive of his hands."

"Doesn't matter does it? Why didn't you knock?"

"I did!"

"Oh.. I must've not heard then. What did you need?"

"I think that you grabbed my clothes and left yours."

"What...? No i have mine here."

"Then what..-"

"These are for you to change into. What? Did you expect me to give you your sweaty clothes? Don't even bother answering. They are in the washing machine."

"Okay- thank you."

"Of course. But I figured you would know this already."

"How come?"

"I left a note on top of the clothes."

"N-no? Whatever. See you then."


He turned around exiting but a voice from behind him stopped him.



He turned to look. The man had his head poking out with a sly smirk.

"If you wanted to join me so badly you didn't have to make up excuses you know.."

"Is this a proposition?"

"Hm... I don't know is it."

"Then allow me to-"

Zhongli's face quickly turned stone cold as he glared at the man.

"You're way too eager."

"But you said!-"

"Did i? Oh I don't think i did."

"But you.."

"Get your mind out of the gutter Childe. I said that i will be out soon and you'll be able to bathe. You reek of sweat... Now excuse me I'll continue my bath. Please do not interupt me again."

Childe nodded hesitantly.

Did he miss hear? No.. yes? Maybe.. he rolled his eyes in annoyance.

The man shut the door the water quickly turning back on. Well.. this was definitely something.

"Count Your Blessings"///Zhongli x ChildeWhere stories live. Discover now