Because she was gay.

"Y/N, you ready?" An older woman knocked on the door.

"Ready for what?" Lauren questioned.

"Rehab," Y/N stood up, answering for the doctor.

"Y/N, you don't need rehab-"

"It was my decision, Lauren. It'll be better for me to learn healthier coping skills other than self harm and drugs. I need this. Will you be there for me when I'm discharged?"

"Yes, of course I will be," Lauren gave the woman a hug, just holding her for a second more.

Y/N wiped her silent tears away, "I'm ready."

She took the hand of the doctor and was escorted out of the party.

Lauren had honestly forgotten all about Y/N.

It had been two years and finally she had gotten a call.


"Y/N, oh my gosh... how are you, honey?"

The Cuban heard a soft chuckle on the phone.

"I'm good. I was discharged a few days ago and I thought we could maybe go get coffee or something to catch up," Lauren heard that soft voice.

Y/N sounded older.

"Yes, of course. Are you still in town?"

"I don't think I'd have anywhere else to go if I left, Lauren," she teased, making the Cuban slap herself for being so stupid.

"Right. Uhmm, how about Havana? We can meet there for lunch or something."

"Great. Lunch sounds good. And relax, I'm just teasing. How about 11:30?"

Lauren let out a sigh of relief, "yeah, sounds great."

"See you then."

Y/N was sitting near a window, watching the water hit the glass.

"Y/N?" Lauren was stood in front of the table, finding the young woman who was holding a baby boy.

"Lauren, hey," she smiled, getting up to greet the Cuban.

She gave her a gentle hug, her little boy squirming and suckling on his pacifier.

"This is Liam, my son."

"Son?" Lauren sat down, making her follow suit.

"Yes, Uhmm... turns out Simon did more than we thought," she half joked.

Lauren's eyes went wide at this.

"Oh, don't worry! I'm over it, I'm on the joking stage if you can't tell already," she chuckled, brushing her son's hair away from his eyes.

The little two year old clutched his mother's shirt, his big blue eyes looking up at Lauren.

"He's so cute," the Cuban smiled, letting the baby wrap his hand around her finger.

"Thank you. I'm trying my best," she smiled, kissing her baby's forehead.

"Where have you been staying?"

"For now, an apartment. I'm trying to get a job somewhere close, but that's not going to happen since I have no one to look after Liam," she shook her head, adjusting her hold on her son.

"You could always stay with me, Y/N," Lauren smiled when the baby found an interest in her charm bracelet.

"I couldn't. No, Laur. I wouldn't take advantage of you like that. I'm figuring things out on my own," Lauren felt bad for the twenty year old.

Lauren Jauregui Imagines 3Where stories live. Discover now