Chapter 1

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It was dark outside, yet the borders and the mighty high hill of Half-Blood Hill clearly stood in the view, a dazed Thaila rushed over to the borders of the hill. She had been fighting monsters nonstop alone and couldn't take it when she saw Jason being taken away. She was covered clearly, in scratch wounds and things from the fighting she had done. To stay alive. It was cruel. Truly cruel.

Their was only a few people awake, the stars danced awake across the sky. Thaila rushed towards the Big House, and than knocked. Someone must have been up because what looked like a goat from the waist down or something opened the door and was full of concern. They turn towards Thaila.

"What's your name, child?" They asked.

"Thaila.. Grace." Thaila hesitated saying her last name because of her horrible past with it.

"Chiron, one of the camp activity directors." Chiron smiles, but is clearly concerned for her horrible and deep wounds. He yells something about a meeting in the Big House. People rush awake, some are tired, some are dazed and others are full of concern and worry.

"As you can see, their is a new camper, named Thaila Gra-" Chiron muttered out, before Thaila gave the death glare and looked straight in his face, giving him the evil eye.

"Its just Thaila." Thaila said.

"Okay," Chiron continued, "She is badly hurt, can a Apollo Camper please grab some nectar for her to drink? In the mean-time, we will ask her questions." Questions? Oh, hell no. Might as well suck it up though. A Apollo Camper rushed off to get some nectar for Thaila, tired and nearly tripping over the grass.

"Thaila, you will be in the Hermes Cabin, Cabin 11, I will show you later where it is." The camper bursts back into the room with a bit of nectar, and hands it straight-over to Thaila who looks skeptical and suspicious of it.

'Will it turn me into a pine tree?' Thaila asks. Chiron shakes his head no. She consumes it slowly and realizes it tastes really strange-- oddly like her favorite taste. Her wounds seem to magically heal and she realizes its healing, not killing her like she first thought. Great. She feels better and decides to stand up, a bit dazed in the end but hesitantly follows Chiron to the Hermes Cabin.

Instantly walking inside, its crowded. No-- literally. Everywhere. Their is like thirty or more people packed in here by the first glance at it. Their is bunkbeds and their is things scattered everywhere it seems, the floors look a bit old and dusty; like they haven't been cleaned in a bit or something like that. People turn their heads and Thaila realizes she was staring.

"Sorry?" Thaila says, they all turn their heads back. Outside however, people from cabins are leaving and going back to their cabins as she finds an empty bed and squeezes into it.

She finally puts down her shield and spear, tucking it very awkwardly close to her since she was afraid someone might accidentally steal it in the middle of the night when she wasn't looking. It felt like forever when everyone, besides from her managed to fall asleep. Thaila looked outside the window.

At last, it was the first rest in forever that was actually comforting. It felt comfortable when her head hit the pillow and Thaila didn't even bother to change her clothing. It was a rare rest. 

One that might not ever happen again. And she fell asleep in seconds.

Thaila Grace's Questحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن