| Curiosity ~ Pt. 2 of Home |

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So, it was no surprise as to why it was freezing once you exit your apartment building. Still wearing April's scarf, you adjusted it to cover your nose slightly.

The cold air was even more intense than normal. You had hoped that you would get the chance of seeing snow tonight but you didn't want to feed into that dream.

Regardless, excitement consumed you as you started walking. You were abruptly stopped though when Leo bumped into you.

"Hey, stranger! I thought I was gonna come inside and pick you up. I could've portal us there! " he chuckled teasingly.

His laugh was the most genuine thing you ever heard but you still doubted that his laugh was because of his time with you.

"I think I'd want the full visitor experience of Central Park by walking there. Plus, it'll good exercise," you smiled.

Leo groans and nods, "Right, taking the city's public transportation is definitely getting that tourist experience. Subways are fun let me tell you that."

"So I've heard. C'mon, Leo. We've got a bunch to see I'm sure," you bumped your shoulder against his and walked a little bit ahead of him. Leo smiles to himself as he skips towards you, walking side by side with you.

"April's still letting you borrow her scarf, I see," he said, observing the accessory around your neck.

You looked down and blushed nervously, "Ah, well, I haven't gotten time to shop for one I like, you know?"

He hums, "You and April have been complaining about school lately, so yeah, I get it. At least you've got your own jacket this time," Leonardo winks, "Looks good."

You've felt yourself getting warmer by the second, "Right, thanks," you attempted to hide under the scarf. He had been there with you when you bought your jacket so it was strange to you that he decided now on complimenting you. Well, correction, he's been complimenting you ever since you've gotten the jacket.

But why did his simple praise make you feel this way? That was a question that consumed your mind every time he would shower you with such flattering words.

Leo smiles to himself at seeing you get timid as the two of you continue walking down the street.


"Here we are! Manhattan's finest Central Park!" Leo exclaims, throwing his limbs out in front of him.

"It's packed today," you gazed around at the many people that walked by the two of you. Seems like everyone was oblivious to the mutant that stood next to you.

Leo scoffs, "S'nothing. You've seen the place during weekends when we passed by last time." He bows down to you and stretches his arm out for you to hook yours onto.

You gladly accept the gesture and you start walking down the slippery path. Though the park was humid and grimy, the shining lights of the city nearby the entrance made it seem like walking into a winter wonderland. You gaped at the scenery around you as you and Leo go deeper into the park and city lights soon begin to fade as the street lamps provide light along the trails.

You tugged on Leo's arm, gasping as he slightly flinched at the sudden action, "Hey, look! Let's walk over the bridge!" You pointed to a bridge that you've seen many times before in well-known films. You just had to walk over the cold pond.

"Race you there? I'll even give you a headstart —" Leonardo hadn't even finished his sentence when he felt your presence quickly leave his side. He shivered at your warm body being torn away so suddenly but soon ran to catch up to you.

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