Chapter 10: First Meeting Part 1

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Mama has to visit Uncle Lex at work today and do a little shopping too with your aunties. School will be here before we know it. I need to get everything prepared for Memaw and momma can teach you what you need to learn this year.

If there's anything special you want you can tell me or have one of your uncle's message me later. What do you think?"

(Hey my wonderful readers, I wanted to explain something about the schools in Kansas. The state has a law where the kids can go to pre-k from ages 3-4, but it is not mandatory. Also Kindergarten can start for children between the ages of 5-7. The child has to be enrolled no later than 7. I hope this makes sense for the way I'm going to do this. Thank you for the support, love y'all.)

"Yay Momma, do we really get to go to the zoo today? Sis we can see the monkeys and penguins. I'm so excited, yessss! I can't wait for school too. It's going to be so fun making new friends, sis," Lisa says in almost one breath.

"I know sissy I can't wait to see the baby elephants, they are sooo cute! I hope they have giraffes too. They are so funny trying to eat people's food with their big tongues. I really don't want to go to school sissy. I just want to stay home with everyone and we play in our room all day."

I listen to my two babies chatting and getting excited over the zoo. Then the girls end up arguing about school. Lisa absolutely loves school with learning new things. She loves to meet new people and all new experiences. While Lily really dislikes school. She doesn't want to sit down in one place and learn.

She has a wonderful imagination and loves being outside with the animals. Lily is more of an active learner and sitting inside a classroom. She's also shyer than her sister so she doesn't feel comfortable around new people. We all try to make it fun for them both.

Lisa gets Lily involved and makes up games to get her to want to learn in her schooling. Lily after awhile has fun but is difficult sometimes. It's not so bad right now because their Memaw teaches them and I help her too. Lily tolerates it because it's us not strangers. I didn't want to put them in Pre-K yet because of their abilities.

Once they turn seven they will develop the ability to turn their abilities off. We learned that from our birth father. Because he didn't know about his origins and I didn't have any on the other planet. We did some much needed research that we could all be safe.

Since their birthday isn't until December they will start Kindergarten when they are six. They just have to be careful with their abilities until their birthday. I've been practicing with them dealing with their control.

They will learn to be careful and mindful of people watching around them. Only our family knows and we have been very careful when taking them into town. One of us is always with them and never alone. This will be a different experience for everyone. My babies are growing up so fast.

As I come out of my thoughts I see that my babies are still arguing about school and aren't eating. " Girls, that's enough now you need to finish eating so you can go get ready for the zoo. Also you need to wear your closed-toe shoes so you don't get your feet dirty while you are at the zoo." "Yes Momma," they say to me.

We finished our breakfast and the girls told me thank you for breakfast. Each rushes to give me a hug and kiss on the cheek. They run upstairs so they can get ready. I started to clean the table off then went to clean up the kitchen. I have to go let the dogs out before I can change as well. I need to make sure that they have water in their bowl.

I go to my closet to pick out my clothes. I decided to wear my black sundress with sunflowers on it. I hurried to grab a quick shower in my bathroom connected to my room. I brush my teeth and hair. I added a little bit of mascara and lipstick.

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