🐉👑Bowser crashes the party.👑🐉

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(Present day,Mushroom kingdom) The last suitor had walked inside the castle and was staring at Willow.
Take off her mask then I'll decide. He said.
King peaches and his daughters shivered at this.
Then there was a loud crash.
And the doors slammed open,revealing the koopa king Bowser and his minions.
Who often came just to kidnap her sister,Peach or crash a party.
Bowser.. King peaches growled in annoyance.
Hello your majesty,seems I wasn't invited? Bowser said bowing for a moment with a smirk on his face.
No you weren't. King peaches snapped.
Bowser laughed.
Figured I wasn't even though I am of royal status. He said proudly.
I'd never let you marry my daughters even if you were the most powerful being alive you toad! Peaches said.
Bowser growled,deeply offended.
Is that the way you want to play this game your highness? Bowser growled staring at the kings sword,witch had a crack in it for as long as the princesses and the plumber brothers could remember.
You remember how it was played last time or do you not? Bowser growled smirking at the cracked sword.
King peaches seemed nervous for a moment but then raised his head up to face the evil koopa.
I'd fight you again if I had to Bowser,and one day your head will be on my wall. Peaches snapped.
Bowser laughed again.
You first. He said with a sinister grin.
He then turned noticing Willow standing perfectly still.
Who's this exactly your highness? She's awfully pretty. Bowser said lifting Willows chin with only one claw making her mask slightly show some of her face.
Stay away from my daughter! Peaches snapped making Willow jump and fall from her "perfect" stance.
Boys,take her and lets go. Bowser growled.
The koopa's minions then put the princess in a bag,witch she put up quiet a fight despite her mask making her not able to see very well.
They then put her in one of the copters and left.

-End of chapter.

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