Going with it

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It's the next day I ended up falling asleep with Matt... he went and slept on the couch! Thank god. I think I should ask Nick about the plan and just go with that just to make sure..

"Hey what are you doing" I asked Nick while in the kitchen.
"Grabbing water and you?" He said confused.
"I was looking for you, can we still do that thing you had in mind??" I asked.
"Oh okay sure" Nick replied.
"The party is tomorrow and the park is always open haha" Nick replied.
"Oh okay thanks... oh gosh what will I wear, I wanna look good!" I said shaking nick.
"Ow" he replied.
"Oh my bad" I said taking my hands of his shoulders.
" just wear a dress of some sort?" Nick replied.
"Okay.." I replied.
"I'll go to the park today then with Chris" I said looking over.

"We do have to film today though so..." nick says rolling his head the other way.
"Okay so film going to the park...or a car video on the way to the park" I reply.
"Your a life saver voliet" Nick replied.
"Thanks!" I replied. "I'm going to go get ready and try to find a casual outfit..I'll
Have you pick me up from my house okay?" I said walking near the door.
"Okay see you soon, byee" nick said waving.
I opened the door waved back and left.
I'm now driving home so I can get dressed.

 I'm now driving home so I can get dressed

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I just got dressed and walked outside.
I was outside for a few minutes and I decided to take some pictures in my outfit. I guess they ran into some LA traffic because almost thirty minutes have passed.
I'm kind of worried they forgot...maybe I'm just overthinking, I would text them but then I'll seem too pushy I don't want to seem like I'm rushing things either. Oh god ugh emotions are so weird.
I guess I'll go back inside and grab a water.
As I walked in I heard my phone ding but I my phone was already in my purse so I grabbed my water then rushed out.

Finally they arrived

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Finally they arrived.
"Starting to get worried there" I said looking into the car.
"We forgot our camera in nicks room we had to go grab it then all that LA traffic, I'm sorry" Matt said. Get in. Matt said unlocking the car.
"Thanks for picking me up again" I replied
getting in.. "so what todays video?" I asked.
"Oh yeah what is it again?" Chris asked.
"We are doing Hypothetical situations" nick said greeting me as I put my seatbelt on.
"Sounds fun!" I replied.
"You can start" nick said looking at Matt. "Let's start the video in one second I want some snacks from the gas station" he said driving.
"Yay!" I said leaning back.
"Okay go to snack and drink GO!" Chris yelled.
"Honey barbecue chips and a Diet Coke" I said without thinking.
"Yes." Nick said with a nod. "But Pepsi is better...sorry".
"Pepsi and skittles" Chris said.
"Tbh idk it changes" nick added.
"You guys are funny" Matt said with a laugh.
"You look lovely today" Chris said to me with a smile.
"Thank you" I replied with a happy expression.
I've been feeling down so Chris really made me feel a bit better, I love them.
They are always there for me.
We got out the car and got our snacks.
I sat in the back with nick and felt a bit camera shy at first.
"Okay hypothetically we all are the last people on earth what would you do?" Chris says.
"What time of question is that" nick says.
"Okay hypothetically it's the zombie apocalypse and you need three things to survive what would ur be?" I ask.
"Ohhh nice question" Matt says thinking.
"Probably a gun, rooster, and bike" Chris says.
" why" Matt asks.
"Rooster for eggs so I can eat! Then gun so I can protect myself and bike to travel! Bam that's how it's done" Chris says crossing his arms.
"Smart" nick says taken aback.

"Hypothetically you had to kiss someone here who would it be" Chris asked turning to me.
I just slid down out my seat and they looked at me and started another question.

"Oh and I bright Advil for you guys incase nick starts get to hyper and psycho crazy and becomes obnoxious"Matt said shaking the bottle

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"Oh and I bright Advil for you guys incase nick starts get to hyper and psycho crazy and becomes obnoxious"Matt said shaking the bottle.
"Shh" Chris said pretending to cover the cameras ears.
Matt pretends to punch nick.
"God dang you really tried to swing..." nick said with a gasp.
"Hypothetically speaking what if they needed one of us for the military to save the world who would you choose" Matt said.
"I'd choose voliet...back in 8th grade she did some wrestling and would do boxing...I remember this kid Olivia was scared to box her" nick replied.
"Dang" Matt said under his breath.

We continued the video.
"Thanks for watching toodles!" Me and nick said waving to the camera bye.
"OUHFSAAGH" Chris yelled Turing the camera off.
"Slay" I said jokingly.
"Period" Chris replied in a mocking tone.
Matt started to laugh.
"So is the scream different every time?" I said laughing.
"Pretty much" Chris said laughing handing Nick the camera.
"To the park we go, does anyone need anything before we go because it's a 10 minute drive and we all know Chris can get really annoying" Matt said sarcastically.
"No I'm good" I said with a chuckle.
"I grabbed two waters so I'm good"  Chris added.
Matt rolled his eyes at him.
We began to drive to the park and nick texted me saying he will keep Matt behind so me and Chris can talk a bit.
I just replied with a thumbs up.
"I brought a ball and frisbee" Matt said randomly as we pulled up to the park.
"Oh okay cool" I said.
"We are here" Matt said parking then unlocking the car.
"Grab the ball I'll play" nick said getting out.
I began to unbuckle my seatbelt when Chris  came around and opened my door.
"Thank you" I said with a smile.
He just nodded.
"I know Matt likes you" Chris said looking down. "But I like you voliet your the most beautiful girl and your smile lights up a room and I can't stop thinking about you" chris rambled as he looking into my eyes.

Look this is gonna be so corny but cute.

"Really..." I replied tucking the hair behind my ear.
"Yes really" he said grabbing my chin and making us lock eyes.
"But I noticed you've been looking at matt..." he says moving his hand.
"I just would like to enjoy walking in the park but I had to let that off my chest" he says with a smile.
GOD D@MN HES HOT Hehehhe anyways.
What what about me and matt.... FU-

"Let's go" Chris says breaking my thoughts.
We walked in the park for a few minutes and accidentally caught up with Nick and Matt.

Matt runs up to Chris holding the ball.
I assume he wants to play a game with him.
So I stepped back near nick.
"Hey what's up" Matt says pushing Chris shoulder gently.
"DONT TOUCH ME" Chris says pushing him back hard.
"Bro watch it!" Matt says pushing him off.
They began to fight.
But why?
"WOAH WOAH break it up" nick said interfering.
"Matt get off him your gonna hurt Chris" I shouted pulling Matt off.
"Why the heck do you care" he said pulling his hand back, that caused him to punch my in my face.
Why is he so angry that's his brother!
"Because your hurting him!" I said screaming at him.
"You knew didn't you" Matt says then gets up and runs towards the pond.
Chris just stared at him.
"I'll call an Uber....we clearly won't be taking the same car without another fight" Nick said.
"Violet you can drive back with Matt" he said handing me Matt's hat.
"Okay cya" I said giving nick a quick hug.
I waited by the car until I saw Matt walk up to me.
The drive was so quiet.
"You like Chris?" He said with a stern look.
I didn't reply I just kept driving.
Great how am I going to be with him at the club tomorrow....

Thanks for reading
Let me know what you think
See ya soon!

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