Quick camping trip

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"Hey I'm glad you could make it" Emily says reaching to hug me.
"Oh my gosh how are you" I reply hugging her back.
This campsite is beautiful.

This campsite is beautiful

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"I'm good.... Who are these handsome fellas you brought with you" Emily says crossing her arms.
"I'm gay but I'm glad you think I'm handsome" nick says tucking hair behind his ear.
"I'm Matt" Matt says in a dry tone.
"I'm Chris" he says reaching to shake her hand.
"Nice too meet you" Emily says with a smile.
"Omg is this the guys your talking abou" Emily says as I cutt her off.
"Shut up" I say jumping to close her mouth.
"She doesn't know what she's talking about" I say elbowing her.
"Dang" nick says covering his mouth.
"Where are the tents" I ask.
"Oh I only have three" Emily replied with an odd smirk.
"Chris and Emily"
"Then Matt and voliet and I'll get the small tent" nick says.
"Ok sound like a plan"Emily says.
"Let's play a game" Emily says sitting down near the fire.
"Ok" nick says.
we all sit down.
"It's called yes or diss ... you have to answer a question and be honest or you have do whatever the judge says" Emily adds.
"I'll be the judge" nick says.
"Oh gosh" I say under my breath.
"Do you like anyone here voliet" Emily asks me.

How do I answer that, she knows i can't choose.
"Yes" I say fast.
"Okay Chris do you have a girlfriend" Emily asks.
"No" he says.
"Matt do you like a girl at the moment" Chris asks.
"Yes" Chris says.
"Matt do you have a secret your not sharing" Chris asks Matt.
"Diss" Matt says.
"I dare you too kiss voliet" nick says.
"Umm" " you down?" Matt says looking at me.
"fine" I say going in for a kiss.
I turn my head and he kisses my cheek.
Matt sits back and smiles.
"Ok I'm tired" I say.
"What about s'mores" Emily asks.
"I'm not hungry" I added.
" night" I say crawling into the tent.
I received a text from Matt saying sorry and that he shouldn't have done that.
I replied it's ok I'm just tired.
Well I really am or is it because I wanted to actually kiss him. I think I made up my mind... I choose-
"I would have been a better kisser" Chris texts me.
"WHAT THE FU"- I yell.
"Hey you ok" Emily peeks in and says.
"Yep I'm fantastic" I say lying.
"Ok" Emily says leaving the tent.
Emily is practically drooling over Chris.
I really need to control my emotions and just pick already.
But how they are both perfect and so kind.
I just want to go home now.
I'm gonna go and just grab a s'more.
I unzip my tent and see Chris kissing Emily.
"Omg gross" I say turning around.
Why are they kissing Emily just betrayed me.
I can't help but cry.
Maybe I know now.
I grab my s'more and zip the tent back up.
"God you scared me" I say wiping my face with my other hand.
"Sorry about that.. are you ok" Matt asks.
"Yea I'm ok" I reply.
"I can't keep going on about this.." Matt says.
"I need to talk to you" he adds.

"Voliet ......I- I really like and your just perfect I know you probably don't like me in that why but I do" Matt says.
"Matt I like you aswell" I say going in for a real kiss.
Me and Matt kissed how is this possible.
I feel like I'm on cloud nine.
I'm on a high that I wish will never stop.
"Was that better" Matt says leaning back.
"Yes" I say blushing.
"You have some lipgloss on your lip" I say reaching to rub it off.
"Thanks" Matt adds.
"I really have been thinking" Matt says.
"About what" I ask confused.
"I want you to be my girlfriend" Matt says.
I mean I would say I'm shocked but he's incredibly hot who would say no but I love his personality and his eyes and they way he says things he is perfect. He's so dreamy.
"Okay" I say.
"Really" Matt says shocked.
"Yes really" I reply.
"Goodnight Matt" I say laying down and rolling over.
"Goodnight V" matt adds.
Dang nicknames all ready.
Ok it's cute for now i guess.

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