Chapter 9: *9

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It was early Saturday morning the next day and Zed and Wyatt had met up with Willa and Wynter at the diner to have breakfast together.

Sitting at the table, ordering their food, Willa and Wynter noticed how tired the werewolf and zombie looked.

"Why do you two look so tired? Did you not get enough sleep last night?" Willa questions them.

Wyatt stretches his arms with a big yawn, "You don't wanna know."

"Why shouldn't I know?" Willa now had a suspicious facade.

"Ooh, I wanna know!" Wynter jumps in her seat.

"No, Wynter, you're too young." Wyatt straightened in his seat.

Wynter stops jumping in her seat, disappointment in her eyes, "Aww."

"Too young? What-" Willa started to ask but stopped herself when the realization hit her full force, her expression turning into disgust, "Gross!"

Wyatt grins at his sister, "Told you didn't wanna know."

Willa put her hand on her stomach, "I just lost my appetite."

Zed rolls his eyes at that. Werewolves are so dramatic.

Wynter looks between the three of them innocently, "Can I know now?"

"No!" Willa, Zed, and Wyatt shouted in unison.


Cassius smirks at the sky from the balcony of his mansion, "Every one hundred years, when the Blood Moon is at its highest peak in the sky, all vampires that were born as hybrids will awaken to their monstrous side, and all hell will break loose."

"Your Majesty."

Cassius turns around to see his best friend and first in command walking up to him, "Good timing, Jessica. Are you and your troops ready to bring me Eleazar?"

Jessica bows, "Yes, your Majesty."

Cassius smirks, "Good."


"I can't believe Wynter kept bugging us about wanting to know what we did last night." Zed chuckles, putting his folded clothes in the drawer.

Wyatt groans, "I love Wynter to bits, but she was starting to get on my nerves."

Zed sits down on the bed with Wyatt, "All it took was a lie to get her to be quiet."

"Yeah. Now Wynter thinks we've been staying up all night watching the Haunted Mansion." Wyatt said with a smile.

Zed lays down with his elbow propped up, "Speaking of that movie, you wanna watch it later?"

"Sure, but first," Wyatt climbs on top of Zed, "I want a kiss first."

Zed laughs at the action, "So needy, huh?"

"You bet, zombie." Wyatt grins before kissing his taller boyfriend.

Soon after, there was a knock on the front door.

Zed pulls away, "Someone's knocking on the door."

Wyatt pulled Zed closer again, "Ignore it." He kisses Zed again.

"It... could be... important," Zed said between kisses.

Wyatt stops kissing him, "Fine." He gets off Zed and gets up from the bed, "I'll go check to see who it is."

When Wyatt leaves the bedroom, Zed sits up in the bed, taking his notebook off the stand next to him.

He took the pencil out of the notebook's spiral and opened it.

Zed turned to a fresh new page and started drawing.

Lost in his mind, Zed didn't hear Wyatt come back.

"Zed, you have a package. Zed?"

Zed felt something touch his shoulder, and he broke out of his thoughts, "Huh?"

"I said you have a package," Wyatt tells him.

"Oh, sorry." Zed puts his notebook on the stand.

Wyatt sits on the bed next to him, "I have been gone for like two seconds and you're already lost in your thoughts."

Zed chuckles sheepishly, "Sorry about that. When I draw, I block everything out because I'm so focused."

Wyatt smiles, pecking his cheek, "Don't worry; I don't mind."

Zed blushes and Wyatt hands him his package, "I wonder who it is from?"

The zombie reads the package, "It's from Eliza."

Wyatt looks at his boyfriend, "I wonder what she sent?"

Zed shrugs and puts the box on the stand, "I'll open it later."

Wyatt smirks, "Should we continue what we were doing before we got interrupted?"

Zed grins, "Definitely."


"Victor, did you go back to the castle again?" Zaria asks her brother, rubbing her eyes with a yawn as she enters his room.

It was the middle of the night, and the sound of her brother woke her up from her slumber.

Victor puts his combat boots on while looking at his sister, "Sorry for waking you up."

Zaria notices that he's wearing his combat gear.

"Why are you wearing your combat gear?" Zaria stares at him with a questioning look.

"Cassius's army is going to capture Zed tonight," Victor informs her.

Zaria gasps before straightening up, "I'm going with you."

Victor stood up, shaking his head, "No, it's too dangerous."

"Danger or not, I'm still coming with you." Zaria declared with determination.

"Fine, if you come with me, you must follow my orders." Victor strictly said.

Zaria smiles, "No promises." She leaves his room.

Victor puts his hand on his forehead, "What am I going to do with her?"


Zed woke up with a sudden pain in his mouth. He gently pulled himself out of Wyatt's arms and walked to the bathroom.

He turns the light on and looks in the mirror.

Zed lifts his top lip up to see two fangs appearing in his mouth.

Zed steps back, his heart beating fast, 'What the fuck?!'

Then, he heard a sudden bang from outside the bathroom.

"Wyatt?!" Zed opens the bathroom door to see Wyatt being held in a chokehold by a woman he's never seen before.

"Wyatt!" Zed shouted.

The mysterious woman looks at Zed, smirking, "Eleazar, so glad you could join us."

"Eleazar? What are you talking about?"

She smirks, "Don't worry, you'll find out soon enough."

"What does that supposed to mean?"

"You'll see. Now!" She shouts.

Zed then suddenly felt someone grab his arms and something pierce his neck.

"Again," Zed whispers as his vision starts to blur.

Zed struggled to get out of the vampire's grip when he felt his blood run down his neck. He could see Wyatt struggle to get out of the woman's grip.

"Wyatt..." Zed said before his vision went black.

A Werewolf's Lost Howl, A Zombie's Lost HeartWhere stories live. Discover now