23. Survival of the hottest

Start from the beginning

"all right"

 "sound cool"

 "I guess"

"Beach i am so in" Trina said making me groan and throw a pineapple at her.


 "no way"

 "oh no"

"I cant wait" she said running off.

"No one likes you" Jade yelled making me nod.

"hey, Sinjin's face down in the kiddie pool" Tori said making me snort.


"That's cool"

"He's still got two minutes left" Andre said making me chuckle.

"No" Tori said getting up and going over making me shrug.

Robbie got up going to help.

Something started beeping making everyone look around, I froze "Uh its my phone gotta go" I said grabbing my bag and cats hand running off as she giggled.

I was in the Truck with Beck driving to the Beck, as everyone else was in the back, we arrived getting out and going to open it.

"Gotta pee, gotta pee, gotta pee, gotta pee" Cat said running out after we opened the door.

"Hurry back" beck yelled


"She has the bladder of a squirrel" i said going around beck and into the rv.

"Whos ready for beach fun" Beck said coming in after me and closing the door.

"Beck, this rv is so cool" Trina said making me look at her.

"Oh thanks"

"And you, like, live in this" Trina asked making me groan.

"Yeah, well, parked in my parents driveway"

"At least you have parents" Rex said making me raise my eyebrow.

"Hey, some things are private" Robbie said as I pulled my bad closer.

"Hey how come all these windows are tinted so dark"

"Oh cause my dad bought it from some rapper.

"All the windows are made of bulletproof glass" I said eating gummies.

"What rapper"

"Fat biscuit"

"The fat biscuit"

 "Oh my god"

 "Uh huh"

"You know i heard he's thin now"

"Yeah he had that stomach surgery"

"Good for fat biscuit"

"Okay can we leave"

"Yeah lets go"

"Lets hit that beach"

"This way people" I said trying to open the door, I laughed nervously when it wouldn't open.

"What's wrong" Tori asked seeing the door not opening.

"I don't know, the door won't open" I said as beck came over trying to open it.

I pushed him, trying to open the door hearing it bang on something.

"Just open it" Jade said.

"Im trying" I yelled at her.

"Something's blocking the door" Beck said sighing.

"Oh man, some idiot parked a hugh rv right next to us" Tori said looking out of the window.

"Whatever, lets just go out the backdoor" Trina said making me roll my eyes.

"There is no back door" Jade said.

"Im getting very hot now" Andre said making me bite my nails.

"Will somebody open a window"

"They're bulletproof, they don't open" I said sitting down.

"Oh thanks alot fat biscuit" Rex said making me look at him.

"I meant the rapper form whom becks daddy purchased this vehicle" Rex hurriedly said.

"I'm getting hotter"

"Just push the door"

"Shut up, shut up, no one can push a 7,000 pound rv" I said eating more gummies stressing.

"Then push harder"

"that doesn't make any sense" I yelled throwing a gummy at her.

Everyone started talking at once making me panic a little.

"All right, All right, lets not bug out" Andre yelled.

"Dude nobody knows we're trapped in this toaster oven"

"Cat just went to the bathroom" Andre said making me nod.

"She's going to be back in a few minutes, and she can start becks truck then pull us forward so we can get out" Andre said making me sigh knowing she'll get distracted.

"Good point"


"Look sorry I freaked out"

"its okay man"

Possibility • Beck OliverWhere stories live. Discover now