"Sleepover Anyone?"

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China reached inside his backpack and pulled out a stuffed toy of a cat. He handed it to you and said, "Here, it's yours! Thanks again for helping me." You got the stuffed toy and smiled. It was an adorable white cat wearing a white shirt with a red jumper and it had a red bow on the left side of its head. You mouthed a 'thank you' to China and you said, "I think I have to go home now. Thanks for letting me help you." Japan nodded and escorted you back to the airport. You got on your flight and got back home safely. When you opened your front door, you were surprised to see that the lights were off. You felt the wall near to you for a light switch but then you heard whispering, "Don't open the light! It is I, the, uh, tomato-box fairy!" then it was followed by a low growl, "Italy, you're giving away our position!" You turned on the light switch and you were greeted by loud screaming. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!" said the voices that turned out to be the Axis and the Allies. Italy ran to you and started hugging you tightly. You chuckled and when he let you go, America asked, "Alright dude. How old are you now?" You said, "Look guys, I'm sorry to spoil the party, but apparently, it's not my birthday..." Germany started chasing Italy and said, "You idiot! You said it was her birthday today!" Italy screamed "I didn't really think it was!" You went in front of Germany and said, "Wait, just stop fighting and we can sort this out. Uh first, take down the banner." Russia and France obediently followed your order and took it down. You said, "Good, now, uh... take of those birthday hats." Everyone took them off and threw them on the ground at the same time. Your eyes widened and you said, "Ok the throwing on the ground part wasn't really necessary but okay. Third, pick them up and dispose them PROPERLY this time. And fourth, gather around and let's talk about this." Everyone galloped outside like wild horses and threw the birthday hats in the garbage can outside. They went back in and sat around you in a circle. You said seriously, "Ok, since you guys put your hearts into that surprise party, I'm going to ask you one thing," Your voice lightened up, "Sleepover anyone?" Everyone raised their hands up and started partying like crazy! You laughed and joined in. You went to the middle of the room and you saw a huge disco ball on your ceiling. You asked America, "How the heck did this get here?" America rubbed the back of his head and was about to answer when England went beside him. England said "Oh, that thing? That my fellow is magic." He did the jazz hands and grinned. America put his arm around England and said, "Yeah, magic! Let's go with that." You looked at them suspiciously and went away. When you turned your back, you saw them do a bro-fist. You laughed and shook your head slightly. You continued walking forward and you stepped on something solid. You looked down and you saw France! You kneeled and started shaking him. "France, wake up. Wake up! France, France wake up! France!" You tapped his head faintly with your knuckles and asked, "Hello, anyone home in there?" Someone tapped your shoulder and you turned around to see Canada. "Hi Canada!" you greeted. Canada's eyes widened and he asked, "Y-you don't think I'm America?" You replied, "America? Of course not! You two look totally different, yeah." Canada grinned and hugged you. You laughed and said, "France is drunk by the way."

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