"World Meeting"

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You were sitting on your chair all nervous and whatnot because you had no idea what to say when you were called. To your right sat the 'hero', America and to your left was France. In fact, all the countries were there surrounding a long oblong table. Right now, you were at a world meeting arranged by Germany. 'It should've been a circle to represent the Earth', you said in your mind as Denmark, started chopping the table with an axe out of boredom. Germany stood up from his chair and said "Ahem! Will you please silence yourselves?!" A long pause occurred until his brother, Prussia, broke it by saying, "NOPE!" and breaking a bottle of beer against the table. Everyone went in chaos again! Your face turned blank and you looked from side to side to look for someone to roll your eyes with. You looked to the far edge of the table and found that Hungary was still sitting there. Your eyes met and you both rolled them at the same time. She went to you and asked, "Hey, (y/n), why aren't you flipping out like the rest of them?" You replied, "Why aren't I flipping out? Why aren't YOU flipping out?! You're supposed to be hitting Prussia in the face! Why aren't you defending your boyfriend?" You raised your hand to the spot where Prussia was pinning Austria's arms behind his back. You whispered to Hungary, "Dude, that's just...,..sad." you said while shaking your head. Hungary rose up from her seat and declared, "This'll only take 3 minutes." You grinned as she took her frying pan out and started to run to Prussia. You raised your arm in a fist and cheered "Now THAT'S the Hungary that I know!" Suddenly, a hand grabbed your wrist and you found yourself face to face with Russia. He asked worried, "You're my friend, da?" You nodded and he asked, "And you'll help me, da?" You nodded once more and he exclaimed, "Then you've got to help me hide from Belarus!" You nodded sympathetically and he dragged you down the hall into one of the many rooms. While you were running, you could hear footsteps running to you and Russia. When you two entered the room, Russia started pushing a couch to block the door. You stopped him saying, "No, not that! Block it with the closet. If Belarus manages to bust the door down, then the closet will go down with it. Position the closet right, otherwise, this isn't going to work." Russia nodded and you helped him push the closet. You asked, "Are the closet doors facing us?" Russia replied, "Da, why?" You answered, "If the closet falls with the door, then the floor has to prevent us from getting out." Russia looked at you with confusion and asked, "Getting out from what?" Suddenly, you heard fingernails scratching the door from outside. Russia whispered, "Belarus!" You hurriedly continued, "Getting out of the closet! We have to hide in there!" The door was about to burst from it hinges. You and Russia pushed your backs against the closet that was blocking the door. Russia protested, "But that's so cliché!" The doorknob came loose. You answered, "Exactly! So cliché that she won't even bother to look in it!" Russia grinned and you both rushed in the closet. You heard the door burst a little and you felt the closet slowly tilting forward. You thought, 'My plan, it- it's working!' The door burst fully and you heard Russia whisper, "Timber." The closet fell and Russia tried opening the door. He said, "I can't open it." You replied, "It's not supposed to open. The floor is blocking it." Russia nodded and you both heard a creeping voice saying, "Big brother, I know you're in here! Why don't you come out and we can play a game?"

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