"My House Isn't The Lost and Found"

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You gathered up all those things in no time flat. You fit them all into one basket and started looking at them one by one to tell which belongs to whom. After you analyzed all that, you went out to find their houses. You held the basket in one hand and you pulled random stuff out. You first pulled out Kumajirou. You rushed to Canada's house and knocked impatiently:

You: Canada, open up!

Canada: Yes? *opens door*

You: *hands over the polar bear and runs away*

You put your hand in the basket again and pulled out a map of the United States. You groaned and knocked on America's door.

You: Oh God, please open de door!

America: 'Sup dude!

You: No time for dat! *throws map in his living room and runs*

You got out a bottle of beer.

You: *knocks on door*

Germany and Prussia: What?

You: Uh, I have no idea who owns this. It's either you *points at Germany* or you *points at Prussia*. *pulls out baby chick* but I'm pretty sure this is yours *hands bird to Prussia*. So I guess this beer is yours *hands beer to Germany and runs*

You pulled out a scarf.

You: Hello? *knocks on door*

Russia: Da?

You: *hands him the scarf and runs*

*le time skip*

You had one more item left and you were growing more impatient every second. You were holding a bunch of music sheets.

You: *about to bust the door down from impatience*

Austria: What do you wan- *gets hit in the face with paper*

You: *does 'peace sign' while running away laughing*

You were finally done with the 'mail delivering' and you returned home tired AND annoyed. What is it with them? And also, how did all that stuff get in your house in the first place? 

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