"Basement Buddies"

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Canada stopped hugging you and started shaking France like how you did. "Please wake up for the love of maple!" Canada begged to France. You heard footsteps behind you and you saw England coming up to you and Canada while holding a cupcake. He bit into it, "Hey America, have you tried slapping him yet?" England asked Canada while pointing at France. Canada gasped angrily and protested, "*gasp*! I would NEVER! And I'm not America, I'm Canada!" England looked at him questioningly and asked himself while walking away, "Hmm, Canada? Who's Canada? Nevermind." Canada teared-up a little but he wiped it away and declared "No more. *sniff* NO MORE!" He raised his hand up and brought it down hard on France's cheek. France woke up with a jolt and Canada screamed, "HAPPY NOW, ENGLAND?!" It's as if nobody heard anything. You kind of felt sorry for Canada, so you patted him on the shoulder and said, "It's alright. There's a next time for everything, right?" Canada whimpered, "Yeah, I guess now's not the time..."  France sat up and started rubbing his cheek, "Why did you do that? You almost ruined my pretty face!" he complained. Canada started apologizing. You stood up and you saw China standing on the table. "Hey everybody, let's watch some Chinese horror films, aru!" Everybody started shouting in glee and you heard America's voice in the background saying, "Yeah! Bring it on dude!"

*le time skip*

"Can we stop the movie now?" asked America, clutching a pillow in front of his face and trembling forcefully. You thought, 'Ha, one second he's tough, the next he's a coward!' China whined, "Aiya! For the last time, it's not done yet! Be patient, aru!" Italy stood up and said, "I'll just go get some pasta or pizza or just anything!" He went to the kitchen and you heard him turn on the light. You heard distant crashing and banging. Germany called out to Italy, "You better put everything back where you got them Italy! That's (country name) 's kitchen after all." Italy answered, "You got it commander!" After a few minutes you noticed Italy hadn't come back yet. You tapped Germany's shoulder and asked, "I'll just go check on Italy okay?" Germany nodded and you stood up. You felt someone grab your foot. You looked down and it was America. "Dude, do you mind if I come with you? I don't wanna see that girl get blown to bits like the last victim." Of course, he was talking about the movie, so you let him tag along. You went into the kitchen with him and you started looking for Italy. You both looked through every nook and cranny but he just wasn't there. Suddenly you heard a loud scream, "No, get away from me! Non capisco!" It was coming from the basement. "Dude, you have a basement?" asked America. You shifted your shoulders up and down as you looked at a trapdoor. America opened it and a load of dust came out. You both coughed and wheezed as you started climbing inside. America followed you and the trapdoor closed. You asked, "Are we locked in here?" America answered, "Nah, don't worry 'bout it."  You looked around the basement and tried looking for Italy again when you felt a tug on your pants. You looked down and there was Italy! "Hey, Italian dude! Why are you in the basement?" America asked him. He answered, "I was looking for food." You added, "You're aware that you can't find food on the floor, right?" Italy shook his head, "No, I just fell because I got scared of the noise."  You asked, "What noise?"

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