Sorry Izzy

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 "Shoot them!" Micheal yelled. "Start shooting at them!"

Izzy raised her gun and started to shoot at them, the 5.7 bullets passing through their level 2 body armor they had built into their helmets.

Michael slammed on the gas, the tires screeching, trying to get any sort of friction.

"So what is the plan?" Izzy asked.

"You know how to ride a motorcycle, right?" Micheal asked with a smile.

"Yeah, why?" Izzy asked. "Are we going to be driving the motorcycles in the back?"

"No, we are ditching all 3, and getting 2 brand new motorcycles, but we are placing these 2 somewhat random places"

They got to the motorcycle dealership, and bought 2 new, fairly powerful bikes, and safety gear. They began to ride, they now have a new look, and new transportation.

There was a small problem, Micheal's custom rifle had been flung on his back, every tally, every scuff, every custom part. This stayed in the back of Micheals mind every minute they rode.

Eventually they had gotten to a gas station.

"I need you to fill the bikes up, I'm going in to get a few things," Micheal said after parking next to the pump.

He set the rifle against his bike and walked in, grabbing a few snacks and a couple of drinks. When he had gotten back, Izzy had filled one of the bikes up.

"Here, get some food for you, we have another while to go before we hit our town," Micheal said when he got fairly close to where they were filling up.

He handed her the food and they ate as Micheal filled his bike. They then went to the parking lot of a sporting goods store.

"Stay here, watch the bikes. I need to mess with the look of my rifle," Micheal said.

"And how will you do that?" Izzy had asked wonderingly.

"Grip tape, and new attachments," Micheal said like it was obvious.

He ran in, grabbed a new 2x-8x scope that looked far different, a new bipod, and a few charging handle for his rifle. Along with the new rifle equipment, he grabbed a backpack. He ran outside, and threw the new items into the backpack, and slung the rifle on his shoulder, as they continued to ride.

As they rode, they talked through the wireless communication he had in his pocket. They were little earbuds that were in a case, and they looked just like the common wireless earbuds, except, they were both for the same ear, and they had a further range that communicated with each other.

"So how did you get into this assassin business anyway?" Izzy asked, wondering.

"Honestly, I have no idea, as far as I know, I was either stolen or given from my parents, and when I could walk, they pushed me to my limits," Micheal said, with a tone of curiosity himself. "They also taught me what they could teach me up until I was 14. So now I know most everything from highschool and about 5 different languages."

"Now, that's impressive. No wonder you could keep up with school and work" Izzy said, sounding impressed.

"Yeah, it was hard," Micheal said, with a tone of "thank God it's over".

"Anyone you miss?" Izzy asked, just trying to make a conversion.

"Just my partner," Micheal sounded depressed all of a sudden.

"What happened to him?" Izzy asked, wonderingly

"Well, she was on a mission with me, risky as hell, and a 5-man squad was completely taken out attempting the same mission, all didn't come back," Micheal said, in a quiet tone "So now we have lost the surprise element, they knew someone was after them. I told them I would do it alone, with less of a footprint, when they suggested another team. Well, after the meeting, she came up to me, and said 'I'm going with you, whether you like it or not'. We talked, but there was no convincing her otherwise."

Micheal paused for a minute, as they rode in silence.

"Do you need a break from telling the story?" Izzy asked, wanting to make sure he was okay.

"No, no I don't," Micheal took a deep breath. "We got to the building, and they had guards everywhere. We were sneaking in through the vents, crawling through dust, cutting through filters, and sliding through fans. A little dust had gotten into my nose, and I sneezed. Someone must have heard me, and started to shoot at us, they hit both of us, and I thought I had just been hit in the leg. I looked over, and she was seconds away from death. She mouthed to me to run, as she faded away."

Izzy couldn't think of anything to say, so they rode the rest of the way to the next town in silence, Micheal trying to reprocess what happened that night, maybe 2 years ago.

When they got to the hotel, he ran through the lobby, to the stairs, where he went to and opened a locked door, typing in the 7 digit code, as fast as possible.

He kept the rifle slung on his back, but pulled the m9 out to clear the living space, only putting it away after seeing it was cleared.

He then sat down at a marble table, and switched out the bipod, and wrapped the hand guard, grip, and stock. He replaced the scope and flipped up the iron sights, lightning the cross with the iron sights. He thought to himself "This isn't ideal, but it should work for now."

Izzy then asked, "What's the plan?"

Micheal responded, "Get information so we can make a long term plan."

Izzy asks, "And how do we get information?"

Micheal responded, "You are going to stay here, and I'm going to make a few calls, and then go scout a few places out."

Micheal then opened a room full of weapons and ammunition, setting the rifle right inside the door. He then went out the door and locked it so Izzy couldn't get out and no one could get in. He exited the building, patted his side to make sure he had all 3-17 round magazines and looked at the one in the gun, another full 17 rounds. He put his hood and mask up, then put his helmet on.

He got on the motorcycle, and the 1000cc bike started with a roar, and idled at a purr. Twisting the throttle, the bike went off, once again roaring. He sped off.

After driving for about 20 minutes, he got to a house. He spotted 3 riflemen, and 20 guards, all with MP5 style submachine guns. He grabbed the knife that was on the suit, on his shoulder. He quickly went in, talking about 3 guards out.

When inside, he went room to room, looking for anything, books, logs, anything. He then stumbled upon a file, no wait, 2 files. The first, his, the 2nd,... Izzy. He put the files in his backpack, and searched, finding nothing else useful, until the alarm range. He saw a guard that had just pushed the button, and sights aimed at him. Micheal drew his m9 and shot the guard.

He ran out and proceeded to shoot guard after guard. That's when a round came at him, one of the riflemen. He Reloaded his sidearm and shot at the riflemen. The firing stopped from that area.

He ran to the bike, starting it up, roaring, but giving no time for the purr, he started to drive off, going over 250 miles an hour. The other cars were not able to keep up. But there were a few bikes, 3 that caught up to him.

He looked at his rear view mirror, and saw they were catching up to him. They each had 2 people, one driving, one shooting. He lets them catch up to him, and as one is about to shoot, Micheal slams the break, going 10 feet behind the 3 bikers. He put cruise control on and drew his m9. He fired and shot out the tires.

All 3 fell, and came right at Micheal. He attempted to maneuver around what was coming at him. He managed to stay clear of what was coming right at him. He got to the hotel, and went back to his living area, where he found a very mad Izzy.

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